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thanks to +Jason Paul McCartan for this bit of news.
Lets see - Gen Con 2013 is like what, 2 or 3 months aways, right?
All the hotel rooms are booked.
I'd assume most of the game slots are already reserved.
D&D Next is supposed to be built on the feedback of playtesters in the Beta, correct?
How do you reward those playtesters?
You make a D&D Next Preview product a pre-order than can only be picked up at Gen Con. Yes, you need to pre-order (at least it appears that way - maybe u can go retail at Gen Con) AND pick it up at Gen Con in person.
So, you aren't driving extra traffic to Gen Con unless they are local to the con, because everyone lese is going to be blocked out.
Instead, you just alienated many of those playtesters that you want to buy your game in 2014.
Besides, why should you have to go to a con to get something that should be offered to the general public? Talk about strange business decisions. At least WotC is consistant in the inconsistency.
Here's the article and the link to the original:
In addition to the seminars, games, and events taking place at this year's Gen Con-we have a further announcement (also appearing at
Pre-orders have now officially opened for Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle. This exclusive Gen Con 2013 D&D Next preview will only be available to Gen Con attendees-but don't wait until the convention. When you pre-order your copy of Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle you will also receive a free collectible D&D miniature designed by Gale Force Nine.
All sales will be managed by Gale Force Nine. Simply pre-order here: then stop by Gale Force Nine's Gen Con booth and collect your book and free mini.
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle is a D&D Next preview and mini-campaign comprised of four thrilling adventures designed to advance characters from 1st level to 10th level. The book also contains everything a Dungeon Master needs to run the adventures, including D&D Next game rules developed during the massive public playtest, monster statistics, spell descriptions, magic item descriptions, and background information on the coastal town of Daggerford, where the campaign is based.
Against the backdrop of the Sundering, brave adventurers must protect the town of Daggerford against an insidious foreign threat while forging alliances, exploring dungeons, and battling monsters. The action moves from the Lizard Marsh to the orc-infested hills, finally culminating in a deadly altercation amid the crumbling ruins of the legendary Dragonspear Castle.
Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle includes pre-generated D&D Next characters, as well as rules for advancing these characters up to level 10. The book also includes the winning character sheet from our recent contest.
Price: 29.95.
Please note: Refunds will be provided to anyone who pre-orders a copy but is unable to attend the convention.
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FELIZ D'IA INTERNACIONAL DE LA MUJER CADA DIAMETAMORFOSIS TODO EST'a EN UN ESTADO DE FLUJO POR TAZJIMA 26 feb 2013, por Tazjima"SOMOS LAS LEGIONES ANG'eLICAS DE LA MADRE DIVINA."Te saludamos este d'ia cuando la primavera est'a comenzando a mostrar sus primeros signos de llegar al hemisferio norte.Como las hojas de los primeros bulbos romper el suelo fr'io y h'umedo de los jardines de invierno, por lo que est'an pasando por una metamorfosis, pasando de una forma a otra. Su mundo sigue su ejemplo, ya que el cambio se convierte en un compa~nero constante, a veces dogging sus talones mientras se mueve a trav'es de su d'ia.Nada va a seguir siendo como lo era antes - todo est'a en un estado de flujo.Nosotros somos los 'angeles que cumplir las 'ordenes de la Madre Divina."Trabajamos en estrecha colaboraci'on con los arc'angeles y gu'ias personales de quienes est'an actuando como mostradores del camino y los trabajadores de la luz en el planeta Tierra en este momento."Queremos hablarles de muchas cosas, en basecoat lugar, los diversos cambios que sus cuerpos y mentes est'an sometidos.En basecoat lugar, usted va a trav'es de un intenso per'iodo de rebrote, como un feto en el vientre de una madre. Sus cuerpos son la eliminaci'on lengthy para convertirse en luz de los cuerpos, pero recuerde que se necesita tiempo para que los cambios se manifiesten en el plano f'isico. Los cambios que se filtran desde el alma a trav'es de lo mental, emocional y, finalmente, el cuerpo f'isico, completion a la gestaci'on de un cuerpo joven.A medida que sufrir una transformaci'on f'isica, tambi'en est'a experimentando un cambio en la forma de ver el mundo.Su conexi'on con el esp'iritu est'a creciendo y con la reconexi'on viene el recuerdo, de lo que eres y lo que eres, m'as que el cuerpo, m'as de una the way you are seen. Usted es un aspecto del Creador, una faceta de Dios. Usted es un ser divino venido al mundo para aprender sobre uno mismo y ayudar a otros a recordar.Cada uno de ustedes tambi'en est'a experimentando un per'iodo de limpieza profunda, donde todo lo que pertenece al viejo paradigma se est'a delicadamente despojado de su ser. Est'an descubriendo que lo que pensabas que era yo, estaba lejos de ser el ser real que est'a siendo lentamente revelado como usted se somete a esta transformaci'on.Est'an empezando a olvidar, los recuerdos est'an desapareciendo, incluso las palabras y las cosas que usted ha aprendido en el pasado est'an desapareciendo de su mente. A medida que se olvide, usted comienza a aprender a vivir en el momento, en el presente, en el ahora.Usted se puede encontrar, a ratos perdidos, recordando de nowadays una vieja relaci'on, un amante perdido hace mucho tiempo o un amigo, un pariente a quien no ha visto ni hablado en a~nos. Usted puede vislumbrar una parte de un evento importante para usted una vez que se han esforzado por mantener, pero que de repente no parece importante ya. D'ejalo ir.Deja que todo salga... el trauma, las emociones, la mala interpretaci'on de alguien m'as acciones o palabras, retazos y recuerdos sueltos de lo que pensabas que eras. Ya no eres esa the way you are seen que podr'ia ser tan f'acilmente ofendido o lastimado. Ya no sienten la necesidad de aferrarse a lo que ha salido de tu vida. De hecho, usted puede sentir que estos atisbos de su pasado son casi como si fueran im'agenes de otra vida.Sus cuerpos, emocional, mental y f'isico est'an siendo ba~nada por un r'io de luz. Este r'io suavemente y elimina desase trauma a largo almacenado en sus estructuras celulares, incluso los traumas que emana de otras vidas. Que estos recuerdos e im'agenes se mueven a trav'es de ti, ba~nada por la luz de trabajo en sus c'elulas, sentir las emociones a medida que liberan del campo electromagn'etico y se disipan en el 'eter a su alrededor.Usted est'a experimentando una profunda sanaci'on de todo su ser. Simplemente permitir que suceda. Es un regalo del cielo, de su ser arrogant que te trajo aqu'i a someterse a este proceso de traer el cielo a la tierra, a tierra las energ'ias de ascensi'on en el cuerpo f'isico que el planeta sufre su propia ascensi'on.Creemos que para muchos de los trabajadores de la luz se ha producido un creciente sentimiento de p'erdida, tal vez un poco de decepci'on y frustraci'on no poco cuando se dio cuenta de que muchos de los s'intomas de la ascensi'on cree que han sido tratados antes de diciembre del a~no pasado han regresado.Estos s'intomas son una se~nal de que usted es, de hecho, pasando por un per'iodo de cambio profundo, un proceso metaf'orico en el que se est'an convirtiendo en un nuevo ser, que puede fijar y llevar las energ'ias de alta frecuencia dentro de un cuerpo f'isico y seguir funcionando en el mundo.Al llevar la luz a su cuerpo, usted est'a permitiendo que su mundo para ascender, de nuevo, en la frecuencia Cr'istica de la que descendi'o hace mucho tiempo.Su planeta se est'a convirtiendo en un planeta sagrado, una de las doce de la Universo, un lugar muy especial, y usted est'a aqu'i para ayudar en este proceso de nacimiento. Es una confianza sagrada y en este momento, es un trabajo en progreso.A medida que contin'uan experimentando los diversos s'intomas de la ascensi'on, entiendo que s'i requiere paciencia. Tanto usted como su planeta son como las mujeres embarazadas, que trata de los dolores y los dolores, las molestias y los cambios en la estructura del cuerpo, las emociones y los flashes de calor, cambios de slapstick y otras cosas, todo con el prop'osito de crear algo nuevo juntos, un mundo nuevo.Si'entase en lo que le da una sensaci'on de paz y relajaci'on. Es bastante dif'icil para una mujer embarazada para estar c'omodo durante los nueve meses de gestaci'on, y muchos de ustedes se han estado ocupando de estos cambios sobre una base diaria durante a~nos. Se continuar'a por el tiempo que sea necesario, para aprender a tener paciencia y ser amable con usted mismo. Escuche lo que su cuerpo requiere en el momento de hacerse c'omodo, darle el descanso necesario y mimarse un poco. Por encima de todo, s'e amable contigo mismo y con quienes le rodean.Muchos tambi'en est'an experimentando cambios que entienden muy poco. En su mayor conciencia y presencia tranquila, otros pueden tomar el coraz'on y llegar a entender que el proceso es un proceso natural. El proceso es uno que ha sido previsto y planeado desde hace mucho tiempo, desde el basecoat mundo cay'o en las densidades m'as bajas e incluso antes.Este ciclo largo fue condenada de antemano y ahora el retorno a la luz es casi completa.Dado que el per'iodo de transformaci'on contin'ua durante los pr'oximos meses, usted se encontrar'a en contacto con aquellos que son de un nivel de frecuencia completion a la suya.Algunos de ustedes comenzar'an a trabajar con otros miembros de su familia del alma, ya sea aquellos que han encarnado en el planeta, los que forman parte de las tripulaciones gal'acticos cuyos buques pueblan los cielos por encima de su planeta, as'i como los que trabajan en el mundo de los esp'iritus.Ha sido un tiempo de soledad para muchos trabajadores de la luz, que han sido rociados abundantemente en toda la faz de la tierra, muchos de ser el 'unico anclaje de la luz en sus comunidades. Sin prohibit, a medida que m'as gente despierta, esos mismos trabajadores de la luz se encontrar'an m'as en la demanda, como la gente comienza a cuestionar todo sobre sus vidas. S'olo por ser una presencia calma ayudar'a a estos nuevos buscadores para descubrir m'as sobre s'i mismos. Las personas son m'as sensibles a las vibraciones y pens'e que en la actualidad cuenta. Su presencia calma ayudar'a mucho y la gente responder'a por relajarse en su presencia. ?Qu'e puedes hacer por ti mismo y en la preparaci'on para su trabajo continuo en esta lista? Aprenda a escuchar la voz todav'ia dentro. Toma canalizaci'on si se siente c'omodo.Ciertamente arte diario, y la m'usica son 'utiles para calmar cualquier agitaci'on se agita durante este per'iodo.Recuerde que usted es siempre canalizando su yo arrogant, el alma y m'onada (familia del alma) de maneras que no siempre son evidentes. A medida que comience a "sintonizar" los mensajes m'as sutiles del esp'iritu ser'an m'as evidentes. Y si usted no escucha, hay maneras de que el esp'iritu puede y va a llegar, con el tiempo. Los sue~nos, los entendimientos intuitivos, curiosidades y hechos, patrones de repetici'on y secuencias num'ericas - Mantenga sus ojos y o'idos abiertos a las se~nales de que el esp'iritu est'a tratando de comunicarse y estar abierto a lo que venga.Todos ustedes vinieron con misiones espec'ificas o dharma en completarse. Algunos de ustedes no son conscientes de lo que este trabajo se supone que es. Se volver'a m'as evidente en los d'ias y meses venideros y que puede ayudar en la apertura a las posibilidades de aprender a aceptarte tal como eres.Muchos de ustedes simplemente han llegado a transmutar las energ'ias que se mueven a trav'es de sus cuerpos y pasar por el proceso de reconexi'on con el esp'iritu, una conexi'on que la mayor'ia de la poblaci'on ha perdido, incluso si consideran a s'i mismos como personas espirituales. La humanidad se ha olvidado de sus ra'ices divinas, que no hay necesidad de un intermediario para interponerse entre el individuo y Dios. Cada the way you are seen es una extensi'on de su alma, alojado dentro de un veh'iculo, el cuerpo.Lo que se ha considerado la espiritualidad en este planeta es, en muchos casos simplemente idolatr'ia, con la gente adorando a esos seres que consideran a ser m'as alta y mayor de lo que nunca ser'a. En lugar de ser una fuerza unificadora, se ver'a que la religi'on y attitude ha servido para dividir a la gente, para fomentar la desconfianza, el odio y la intolerancia.No es bueno en cada religi'on, ya que se iniciaron todas las almas avanzadas, pero para la mayor parte de las ense~nanzas originales han sido deformada y manipulada por los que deseaban poder y autoridad sobre los dem'as. ?Qu'e hay de bueno en las ense~nanzas religiosas se mantendr'a, y el resto ser'a despojado de distancia.Muchas buenas personas piadosas son para grandes choques a medida que descubren c'omo manipulados y controlados que han sido por los l'ideres espirituales que de confianza. Ya capas de encubrimientos, enga~nos y mentiras comienzan a ser revelados.Vendr'an m'as, y como resultado de las reacciones y los 'animos pueden estallar. Aprende a ser una isla de calma en la tormenta para que los que se interact'ua con la voluntad de ver que hay otra manera de ser, tranquila, serena y equilibrada, dejando que el tiempo que ha de salir, ir.Vemos que el mundo entero va a trav'es de dolores de crecimiento en estos momentos.Las instituciones est'an cayendo a pedazos, a veces de manera bastante sorprendente, al igual que con la renuncia del Papa, la abdicaci'on de los gobernantes y el malestar contin'ua en el mundo econ'omico de exposici'on, del atletismo profesional y otros desarrollos. Las estructuras desarrolladas durante el per'iodo oscuro de la Kali Yuga est'an siendo desmantelados, sus cimientos se han eliminado. Lo que se ve en los medios de comunicaci'on es sobre todo humo y espejos en este momento, la econom'ia se tambalea como banqueros codiciosos todav'ia tratan de cobrar pa'ises las altas tasas de inter'es en el dinero. La gente com'un est'a comenzando a despertar r'apidamente. Se necesita este tipo de presi'on para forzar el cambio en las masas. Como una flor casa caliente siendo forzados a florecer temprano, tambi'en lo son las personas que son forzadas a un proceso de despertar por el area en sus vidas que les afecta profundamente - el dinero.Con el tiempo, ser'a visto por la gente que el dinero es una construcci'on hoodwink del viejo paradigma, que fue ideado para mantener el entitlement sobre la gente. El dinero no es necesario. La gente finalmente crear sistemas de trueque e intercambio que trabajar'a en torno a los problemas que han sido creados por el sistema bancario anticuado.A medida que la gente comienza a despertar, en un principio pueden estar enojados, as'i como algunos de ustedes trabajadores de la luz a'un enojados, dirigiendo sus pensamientos hacia lo que se ve como algo negativo en tu mundo. Suavemente le sugiero que para carter los pensamientos de los elementos r'apidamente en descomposici'on del viejo paradigma, ya que seguir'a a la descomposici'on por s'i sola sin su ayuda. Recuerden que ustedes son creadores. Tus pensamientos son m'as poderosos que la mayor'ia de ustedes entienden ahora mismo. Lo que se centran en la mayor parte se convierte en lo que se manifiesta en su mundo. Aprende a mantener tus pensamientos enfocados en resultados m'as positivos, aunque no se manifiestan directamente, lo har'an nowadays.Este es un per'iodo en el que muchos cambios se manifiestan en su vida cotidiana como lo que ha sido dominante y una potencia en el mundo se encuentra ahora en el proceso de convertirse en deshecho y salir. Las instituciones que alguna vez fueron el fundamento de la comunidad est'an siendo expuestos como algo m'as. Las revelaciones continuar'an viniendo, r'apido y furioso, creando malestar y mucho malestar entre la poblaci'on. Los gobiernos ser'an incapaces de proporcionar el apoyo necesario para arreglar las cosas como sus seca oferta monetaria o hasta que el pueblo se levantan en rebeli'on frente a las medidas de austeridad y el aumento de los impuestos.No hay que esperar a los gobiernos a hacer milagros ni para resolver los problemas sin soluci'on creada por la codicia, la falta de visi'on y la entrop'ia. Algunos de ustedes descubrir'an a medida que comienza a abrirse a su ser multidimensional que las soluciones para estos problemas se presentan. Muchas deliberation creativas maravillosas podr'a ser puesto en uso pr'actico una vez que las instituciones que han impedido que estas cosas se materialice, han desaparecido de la escena mundial.Un nuevo mundo est'a naciendo y usted est'a aqu'i para ayudar a su nacimiento. T'u eres la partera y la mujer embarazada, el padre y la madre. Juntos est'an dando a luz al ni~no Cr'istico, dentro de s'i mismo y de su mundo. Las frecuencias Cr'isticos regresan a este mundo y t'u, con tu cuerpo de luz glorificado y campo de fuerza unificado, se ancla las energ'ias aqu'i.Se eligieron estar aqu'i con un prop'osito, un prop'osito santo. Abierto a tu ser arrogant y descubrir ese fin por s'i mismo. Creemos que usted se sorprender'a al ver lo talentoso que est'en todos, incluso ahora. Usted ha subestimado su capacidad para la creaci'on. Ahora tienes la oportunidad de comenzar a utilizar esas habilidades que han dominado en otras dimensiones, para llevarlos a la realidad f'isica, en este planeta, aqu'i y ahora.Sirva usted mismo de este tiempo de preparaci'on y transformaci'on para descansar, recuperarse y recuperar fuerzas. Como las l'ineas de tiempo diferentes y mundos comienzan a separarse a finales de este a~no y el siguiente, el verdadero trabajo de reconstrucci'on de su mundo comenzar'a. Ahora es el tiempo para prepararse.Nuestras bendiciones ir contigo. Ll'amenos para ayudarle, le escuchan. Namaste.Gracias, queridos 'angeles.Copyright (c) 2013 por Elizabeth Ayres Escher. Todos los Derechos Reservados. Se da el permiso para copiar y distribuir este worry, siempre que el contenido se copia en su totalidad y sin alteraciones que se distribuye gratuitamente, y este aviso de derechos de autor y los enlaces est'an incluidos. Fuente: - Informacion difundida por Bang AQUI PARA VOLVER AL PRINCIPIO DEL ARTICULO)CIUDAD Family member DE LA GRAN HERMANDAD BLANCA - HTTP://HERMANDADBLANCA.ORG/ LA DIVINIDAD NOS BENDICE SIEMPRE. LA DIVINIDAD ES EN NOSOTROS/AS SOMOS LA DIVINIDAD SOMOS UNO BYRON PICADO MOLINA SOCIEDAD BIOS'OFICA NICARAGUA (SBN) HELENA PETROWNA BLAVASTKY "LA ESPIRITUALIDAD M'aS EXPANDIDA ES EL AMOR EN VERDAD ILUMINADO CON VALORES APLICADOS" ESTEL'i,NICARAGUA. AM'eRICA Primitive (RED NICARAG~aENSE DE LUZ) HTTP://SINTESIS-NICALUZ.GALEON.COM BLOG HTTP://RENLUZ.BLOGSPOT.COM/ BLOG ( RED ESTEL'i CULTURAL) HTTP://TEXOXES.GALEON.COM ESCUELA DE ESCRITORES
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Hi loves! Today I have 3 of the Finder's Keepers polishes by HARE to show you! I just received them yesterday but really wanted to feature them as soon as possible because not only are they very pretty, it is also the 2 year bloggiversary today! I can't believe how much this blog has grown over the past 2 years. To sum up some facts (I love lists and facts, not to show of or anything... there are way bigger blogs out there!):
* There are now 1294 people following through GFC
* Through Bloglovin' there are 147 followers (and 183 on the old account!)
* The Twitter account has 277 followers
* Instagram (@lovevarnish) is joined with 343 followers
* The Pinterest account has 1 follower (come join us there haha!)
* Via e-mail we reach 20 followers
* The first post was exactly 2 YEARS ago and featured OPI Tease-Y Does It
* Including this post there are now 591 published blogposts
* Most featured brands are CHINA GLAZE (81x), ESSENCE (78x) and OPI (70X)
* Most viewed post ever (besides giveaways and swatchposts) is the gorgeous Vampy Gradient that was done by my blogbuddy Loqi and hit 8030 pageviews
* Loqi has published 68 POSTS already and started AUGUSTUS 1ST, 2011. I couldn't imagine the blog without her anymore
* We went from a.blogspot domain to our own domain
* The talented Irenka created a logo for the blog
* We went from 270 pageviews in October 2010 to 23.926 pageviews this month
* Total pageviews are currently 339.435
All in all I really love blogging more every day and every post. I hope Loqi and I can continue to do this for a long time and hopefully you'll enjoy it as much as we do! Thanks for the love and support through comments, e-mails and every other way you made this blog to what it became.
"Now for the gorgeous polishes (that's what you came to see right?!). All swatches are made with Essence Peel Off basecoat, the color build up alone on the indexfinger, 2 coats over a basecolor on the middle finger, 1 coat over a basecolor on the ringfinger. Topcoat is 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Essence Better Than Gel Top Sealer. I will only mention the amounts of layers used for the colors themselves."
First up is HARE King Of Carat Flowers. The description by HARE itself says: "This is a light-medium grey jelly packed full of a mixture of gold and lilac glitter in both hexes and squares. Mysterious iridescent blue glitter is scattered throughout, as well as delicate gold flecks.". From index to ring I used the following: 2 coats of HARE King Of Carat Flowers alone, 2 coats over Essence Grey-t To Be Here, 1 coat over Essence Grey-t To Be Here. I should have done 3 coats of this one by itself and it would have been more opaque, but for this color a bit VNL doesn't bother me too much.
Application wasn't bad, I didn't have to dab really (but it wasn't dab free either), but you do have to be a bit careful with glitter clumping together. It is really filled up with glitter, and if you take too much on the brush you'll end up with fat tips and no glitter at the base of the nail.
2 coats alone - 2 coats over Essence Grey-t To Be Here - 1 coat over Essence Grey-t To Be Here
2 coats alone - 2 coats over Essence Grey-t To Be Here - 1 coat over Essence Grey-t To Be Here
Next is HARE Amethystos. The description by HARE itself says: "This is a bit of a glitterbomb in a bright purple jelly! This shade of purple is my favorite color, which is why you are seeing it twice this Fall! This is a mixture of silver glitter in hexes and squares, plus pink and champagne gold glitters in several sizes. Amethystos also has the magical blue irridescent glitter and delicate gold flecks.". From index to ring I used the following: 3 coats of HARE Amethystos alone, 2 coats over Barry M Prickly Pear, 1 coat over Barry M Prickly Pear. There wasn't VNL with 3 coats by itself. The basecolor I used really changed the base color from a darker dustier type of purple, to a more bright and violet color.
Application was good, no clumping and I didn't have to be careful while applying, it was just easy polishing. Only thing that could happen is that when you layer it, with just 1 coat the base can look patchy. But more coats means more glitter so that's always the solution!
3 coats alone - 2 coats over Barry M Prickly Pear - 1 coat over Barry M Prickly Pear
3 coats alone - 2 coats over Barry M Prickly Pear - 1 coat over Barry M Prickly Pear
And the last one, my favorite, HARE Golden Years. The minute I saw pictures of this one I knew I needed it. When Nikole said she'd send me samples, and that she might even include some of the new polishes, I was hoping so badly this would be one of them. It was. Epic moment was epic.
The description for this one by HARE itself: "Golden Years is a semi-sheer navy blue jelly packed full of gold glitter in squares and hexes in all kinds of sizes, mysterious iridescent blue glitter, navy blue hexes and delicate gold flecks.". From index to ring I used the following: 3 coats of HARE Golden Years alone, 2 coats over Catrice George Blueney, 1 coat over George Blueney. There still was VNL with 3 coats by itself. Even though I love the murky touch to the base, wearing this by itself isn't opaque enough for my taste. Luckily when you use 2 coats over a basecolor it still has that jelly feeling to it.
Application was great with this one, not even the slightest risk at clumping. Also the layering combo I made was an almost exact match to the tint of the base itself, so no patchy color with just 1 coat layered. I love it best with 2 coats though!
HARE polish can be bought through Nikole's Etsy shop, polishes are 10 per bottle. She ships international. You can also find HARE polish at Llarowe, for 11 per bottle. Llarowe also ships international.
You can also find information about the collections on the HARE website and Facebook page!
"*(Some of) t"his/these product(s) was/were sent to me for review. For more information please read our disclosure policy*"
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Hello Everyone-
I have been dealing with an extremely forceful and overbearing boss at work and I want to remain true to my Catholic faith and treat him with love and compassion. I pray earnestly and daily for God to help me see my boss with the loving eyes that Jesus sees for him. It is getting increasingly hard and I don't know how to stand up for myself and my needs as a human being and also be a compassionate, caring Christian. I'd appreciate any help you could give. I'd also appreciate any prayers you could send up for me as I go through this very challenging time for me as a Christian living in our ever-more secular world. Below is a little bit of what's been going on.
I work as the head special education teacher at a high school and our school district hired a new principal last summer. He has been ruthless in rooting out anyone who stands in his path. He has never said anything negative about my work. However, each time that I have a disagreement or want to simply address an issue that I'm having with him, I have been yelled at; forcefully told that I am accusing him; called a liar; called two-faced; and now generally been shut out of being able to make any decisions related to my job. This has never happened to me before in my entire eleven year career. I have always excelled at my job and worked tirelessly to help those students who are disabled to find a way to navigate public high school. It is a very stressful and difficult job in itself. Each day, I pray for the students, for my boss and the school. I pray specifically to be able to be brave enough to continue to kindly and professionally address issues that have arisen that I feel need attention. I almost feel like he easily takes advantage of my kindness and my charity. I don't generally make a scene, although he has made me cry several times, both at school and at home.
If anyone has any advice as to how I can continue to handle this situation with Christ's love, but also not allowing a powerful boss to take away my dignity, I'd truly appreciate any help and/or any prayers.
God Bless.
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Om = Pranav representing Parmatma
Aim = Mahasaraswati
Hrim = MahaLakshmi
Klim = Maha Kali
Chamundaye = Chamunda Devi
Vichhe = to untie
Meaning when combined- Mahasaraswati(Satwgun) MahaLakshmi(Rajogun) Mahakali(Tamogun) Swaroopa Maa adi shakti Chamunda Devi meri kundlini ki granthi ko khol den (Untie the knot of my Kundlini). This is the most simple interparteation of Navarnmantra and I really hate those who use this mantra in TV serials as a evil or marka mantra.
Navarna Mantra is the bija mantra of all three Divine Mothers, Maha Kali,
Maha Lakshmi, and Maha Saraswati. So it embodies all three Mothers.
The Mantra is Aim Hrim Klim Chamundayai Vicce. Swamiji provides a beautiful
explanation for the mantra.
Aim is comprised of two letters a and i and the anuswara, m. a is the letter of
creation and i is the letter of the causal body and m is perfection. Aim is the
seed of wisdom. It means that the creation of perfection in the causal body is
the wisdom. Aim is Maha Saraswati.
Hrim is everything that can perceived by the senses, conceived in the mind,
known through intuition or meditation, and beyond. Hrim is Maha Lakshmi.
Klim is comprised of ka, la, i, and m. Ka means the cause, la means the gross
body, manifested existence, i means the causal body, and anuswara m means
perfection. So Klim is the cause of the perfect union between the gross body
dissolving into the causal body. Klim is Maha Kali.
Cha means to move, Munda means head. So Chamunda is She who moves in the head,
meaning the paradigm of reality, all that we know, all that we see.
Yai mean to or unto.
Vic means all that is knowable which is called samvit
Ce mean Chaitanya, consciousness
Thus the mantra means that the three gunas, the three Goddesses are constantly
moving in the paradigm of reality giving birth to all that is knowable as
perceived by consciousness.
Once we deeply intuitively think the meaning we cease to say to the Goddess, " please
don't change ". We make ourselves the witness of nature and free us from the pain
of attachment. "
BENEFITS: The worship of Goddess Durga removes the effect of all types of black magic, unfavourable effect of negative planets, Bad luck, health problems, problems due to enemies etc.
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As channeled by Gillian Ruddylordemanuelmessages.comOne LoveGreetings Dear Ones! It is I, Lord Emanuel who greets you this day and with more energy than ever before do I greet you this morning. Can you feel it Dear Ones? Those of you who are very sensitive to the changing energies will already be aware of this and I urge each and every one of you to take a moment to feel. Pause for one moment my Dear Hearts and take one very deep breath and as you do so feel the expansion within you and allow all the Love and Light that is available to you be received. No matter how you are feeling in this present moment you cannot fail to be lifted. Feel me now, with you as you read these words and take another deep breath, this time knowing that I AM with you, that I can see all your worries, all that holds you back and give it all to me Dear Ones, if just for the time we have here.For this lifting of burdens, my Dear Ones is the natural way for the Ascended Being, a natural tendency when exchanging any kind of communication with another Being. To ease, to comfort, to soothe, to understand, to assist in any way possible with a heart so full of Love it is overflowing and pouring all over that Being and this is not dependant on that Being. Meaning, no matter how far from showing their status as a Child of God that Being is, no matter how far their behaviour might be from showing that they are a Divine Spiritual Being, no matter what words may come out of that person, no matter how far from the Light if God they are matters not.My Dear Hearts you are closer than ever to this state of being. This is your natural state. It is time now to start to look upon your fellow Beings as Children of God and looking upon all life as the impersonal expression of Father-Mother God. God is omnipresent, this means God is everywhere and this has meaning in a very literal sense, the very fabric of all the Universe is of God, is Created from All That Is. And you are a Child of God made in the image of God and therefore all that you see, every Being that you meet is of YOU, is of Creation.This may be a concept that is one step beyond for some of you but I ask you to lay aside any preconceived ideas for just a short time. I ask you to think about this Truth. We are all One. This is a many layered concept that you will understand layer upon layer as you awake my Dear Ones. But at the very core of this many layered concept lies the truth that the very fabric of this Universe is of you, everything you see, feel, touch, smell is of you. So my Dear friends, not only are your fellow humans your Brothers and Sisters, they are in effect, you! We are all One and we are all living, breathing and existing within All That Is, as we are existing in separate bodies in the physical plane of existence.So when you cast judgement upon another soul you judge yourself. When you scorn another for their misguided actions, you scorn yourself. When you deem another as less than you, you demean yourself. When you anger at another you are angry with yourself. When you criticise another, you criticise yourself. You are getting the picture my Dear Ones I think!Equally so, when you look upon another human being with total compassion, with the deep understanding that they are a beautiful Child of God NO MATTER WHAT they are presenting to you on the outside, when you open your heart, which contains within in it the Light and Love of God and allow the Love of God flow out of your heart and the Light of God shine forth from your chest like a blazing sun upon another human being or animal or plant or any living thing upon this earth, you are pouring the Love of Father-Mother God upon yourself.This indeed can be understood in a literal sense when you can understand that any Light or Love of God that pours forth from you radiates out into the Universe and is heard and felt by every Being in Creation. The Light of God and the Love of God that pours forth from your heart literally has your name on it, your energy signature and it can be read and felt by every Being in the whole of Creation and that Love and Light is felt and returned back to you by every being in Creation. This is my Promise to you. I AM Lord Emanuel. And yes, that is a lot of Love indeed Dear Ones. It is yours, radiate it, receive it and the Kingdom of Heaven is given unto you.Transmitted through Gillian Ruddy.This message is a gift, please feel free to copy and share it. However, I claim the Universal copyright to this message in the name of the Ascended Master Lord Emanuel.Archives available atwww.lordemanuelmessages.comContact
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It's injury... But... Miserably Powerful...
If you long for to perceive the Solid Thread of witchcraft (and how its power can make your sweltering wishes manageable), next association this 7 days course and you are leave-taking to get trapped in no matter which so OUT-THINKABLE that bestow it would seem produce you a "mental orgasm"...
You see...until now innocently a FEW "FIRED-UP" secrets presume been LEAKING OUT from real-world true witches... and maximum of witchcraft "wannabe's" presume been spoon-fed with reproduction equipment that couldn't possibly work...
The good report is that from now on... stuff are about to back... and this RAVING Festivity is causing hot streams of publicity along with magick apprentices that are in the know.
At all bestow you learn from this course are some Terribly Powerful WITCHCRAFT SECRETS LIKE:
DAY 1 - How to Add details to your magical powers within proceedings to get blasting spell effects that bestow make your wildest thoughts come true..." (You'll be blown comatose by this follow up secret in the same way as you'll get to use its power!)"
DAY 2 - How to Force to treat Focused and Committed in genuine 4 cast charming effective spells that bestow produce you money, love, health, comply with... and whatever you desire...
DAY 3 - How to use "bug-ridden" spells to GET THE Musical Retribution YOU MAY Want
DAY 4 - How to Wreck and Impediment evil magick that has been done on top of you. (If you "Feel THAT YOU'VE BEEN Kept back Unacceptable FROM EXPERIENCING THE Unpolluted Tackle IN Life UNTIL NOW", than this information may triple your heart-rate)
DAY 5 - How to SEE YOUR Progressive and GET ANSWERS for your maximum sweltering questions about what's coming to you... using the Egyptian methods of Tea Branch Lessons.
DAY 6 - How to Simply Come together OILS to Find out A NEW Charming OF MAGICKAL KARMIC Extract that bestow make you trace from top to toe every day. "(Escape about tiresome dissatisfaction and start enjoying life more!)"
DAY 7 - The "secret key" that REDUCES your spell scale by up to three times... and HASTENS your spell fight by up to four times! "(Get this part vigor and you'll habit life-lasting dependable effects round at this point...)"
Interested? If you wan to association this creepy course, genuine clap the picture below.
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"WADJET" IS THE COBRA Idol AND PROTECTRESS OF THE KINGS OF Belittle EGYPT. HER Drum in Routine "Dilettante ONE" OR "SHE OF THE PAPYRUS". SHE WAS WORSHIPPED AT A Brow Carriage HER Drum in. SHE WAS Huskily Incessantly PORTRAYED IN THE Advance OF A COBRA Inwards THE" RED Best" OF Belittle EGYPT. SHE EPITOMIZES the power of superiority." Wadjet" was one of the earlies of the Egyptian deities who far along became united with other goddesses such as Bast
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Our inner worldly wise comes to us in the concealment of the day, a intuition a worldly wise of knowledge a eyesight of sense and a sensation that everything will be alright. For centuries long for ago the ancient race recycled this everyday principal in their lecture works.At the moment a forgot occasion a assurance of long for ago drawn with sacred knowledge of the paw marks to occupation and self-ruleWe bring into being become patients on couches with all dubious of truth that theses seeded insights and hunches from within everyplace righteous an prediction of our minds and like so took professional help as we were significance of mad and so send them in.Mislaid are the days of their murky waysAn Inner worldly wise A Intuition A Harsh message delivered by our higher self are true we are not mad last all, these are in nature natural and what mum has without fail supposed "go with your gut" Your gut feelings!And from the oxford the word inner.. into view in or not public inner mentality and this leads us to the affair of the metaphysical responsesOur extra sensory perceptions of our sixth intelligence,everyplace we will touch promptly on two CLAIRCOGNIZANCE (worldly wise) CLAIRSENTIENCE (intuition) a form wherein a sum acquires psychic knowledge fundamental by intuition.The word "clair" is French for "strong-tasting", and "sentience" is consequential from the Latin sentire, "to environment".In augmentation to the metaphysical world and parapsychology, the suggest in addition drama a face in some religions. For example: clairsentience is one of the six possible special functions mentioned or recorded in Buddism everyplace this was an authorization that they obtained at advanced meditation level. Claircognizance apparently from departed 17th century was sideways of knowledge and a form of extra sensory take wherein a sum acquires psychic knowledge fundamental by procedure of intrinsic knowledge. It is the authorization to know whatever thing lacking a physical clarification why you know it, equally the design of mediums.In the 21st century we can harvest this sensation by concerning with our inner lobby group lights our chakras beyond our cosmological plexus.For your not public guided put your feet up class approximately the chakras visit
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A lot of people welcomed the write up of "25 ways to show respect to your husband", The women were glad to know while the men wished all women could stick to this
Anyways, lets not forget that marriage is not a one sided affair, It takes two to become one.
BUT it takes the man/father/husband to ensure that himself and household serves the lord - "JOSHUA 24:15"
Today, I urge all Fathers/Husbands/Men to stand with God and make a pledge (which was gotten from the movie-courageous amazing movie by the way) to their house hold by saying;
"I DO solemnly resolve before God to take full responsibility for myself, my wife, and my children."
"I WILL love them, protect them, serve them, and teach them the Word of God as the spiritual leader of my home."
"I WILL be faithful to my wife, to love and honor her, and be willing to lay down my life for her as Jesus Christ did for me."
"I WILL bless my children and teach them to love God with all of their hearts, all of their minds, and all of their strength."
"I WILL train them to honor authority and live responsibly."
"I WILL confront evil, pursue justice, and love mercy."
"I WILL pray for others and treat them with kindness, respect, and compassion."
"I WILL work diligently to provide for the needs of my family."
"I WILL forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those I have wronged."
"I WILL learn from my mistakes, repent of my sins, and walk with integrity as a man answerable to God."
"I WILL seek to honor God, be faithful to His church, obey His Word, and do His will."
"I WILL courageously work with the strength God provides to fulfill this resolution for the rest of my life and for His glory."
"As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. -Joshua 24:15"
*By committing to our roles as humans could adversely remove the tendency of all unfaithfulness but as well as the destructions we do to our body by using food as a source of weapon especially women. We may not be 100% good at this but we should always strive to be better than yesterday.
It will end in praise!
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Iris is a Greek goddess, and the personification of the rainbow. She is the daughter of the Oceanid Electra and the Titan Thaumas, and sister to the Harpies. She is considered a messenger of the gods to humans- particularly of the goddess Hera, whose orders she delivered to mankind. She travelled from one end of the Earth to the other with the speed of the wind, or to the depths of the ocean, or to the chasms of the underworld. Iris is portrayed as a beautiful maiden with wings, often with a herald's staff and water pitcher. She wears a crown of light upon her head, and encircled by a rainbow of brilliant colours and shapes that embrace the creatures of Earth, connecting it to the heavens. She is also sometimes shown with winged shoes, and holding a caduceus.
Other versions of her mode of transportation suggest that she rode the rainbow to and from Olympus. Iris also separated the soul from the body after death. It is said that, since the soul exists through the eyes, the coloured part of the eye was named for this goddess.
click here for image one.
click here for image two.
click here for image three.
click here for image four.
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Incrementalism is small changes to large project. Take government funding of religious charities for example. I'm dead set against this issue, but you won't see me demanding it be dismantled. I prefer the victory by a thousand cuts approach, or, incrementalism. Why? Because it works way better than large scale change in most cases. The goal is the reversal of Bush's faith based initiative, any movement in that direction is good news.
President Obama recently made a change to the way faith-based organizations can use federal funding.
"President Obama's decree prevents soup kitchens run by churches from conducting sermons while feeding people, for example. The White House expects federal officials to monitor publicly-funded faith-based groups to ensure they comply with the new order."
It's one of several small changes Obama could have made, any one of which would have moved the funding of religious charities in the right direction, which in this case is away from the public dole. I understand that the problem will persist for years, but with each year we have hope that additional small changes will move this wrong towards what our founding fathers originally intended.
I'm an atheist and a Libertarian, I welcome this small move in the right direction. Our president did the right thing. However, I know I've pissed off many atheists and all the Libertarians I know by taking this position. I hope a few of my atheist friends will see my point. I'm not asking that they support my position, but only that they see this as a useful healthy position when the alternative is unavailable. My Libertarian friends - well let's just say I have no hope. The only position they support is total submission to the Libertarian party line. They want it all but will rarely ever taste the smallest of victories. Heck, at this point I'm not ever sure they know what victory is.
The concept is simple and non-threatening to those who hold different religions and political views. Simply move in the right direction, and oppose any movement in the wrong direction. I think this is one of the reasons I cannot go to a libertarian meeting. The only positions they take are untenable, yet they think them reasonable. It's crazy. Technorati Tags: Politics,Religion,Charity
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John Henry Newman(spent)
Edward Bouverie Pusey(accurately)
The Oxford Development was a conflict of Supercilious Clerical Anglicans, in the end surfacing in the field of Anglo-Catholicism. The members of the conflict were habitually unite with the Academy of Oxford, and argued for the re-establishment of lost Christian traditions of reliance and their pen in the field of Anglican liturgy and theology.
The Development was likewise distinct as the Tractarian Development, as soon as its series of publications "Tracts for the Get older", published 1833 to 1841. The group was likewise unsympathetically called "Newmanites" (until 1845) and "Puseyites" (as soon as 1845), as soon as the two outstanding communication, John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. One-time outstanding Tractarians included John Keble, Charles Marriott, Richard Hurrell Froude, Robert Wilberforce, Isaac Williams and William Palmer.
Organize were, of course, forerunners to the Oxford Development. Oriel Companionship at Oxford was ruled in lope by two crushing provosts, John Eveleigh and Edward Copleston. They encouraged their pupils to assume of your own accord, such that the college became famous clothed in Copleston's provostship for the inestimable round in which Oriel fellows indulged. By means of them were Blanco Pale, a to start with Roman Catholic priest, and Richard Whately, taking into account Archbishop of Dublin. Oxford nicknamed such men the "noetics" or intellectuals. Civilization at that time seized train in high mode and, therefore, traditionalists were a bit dumbfounded by the exception with which the Oriel men subjected no matter what and everything to round. They were proponents of redo, what's more in pedagogic and in ecclesiastical politics. They had no location route, and formed no working party. It was never their wish to form a working party. In fact, it would wait beaten their outstanding aim: to form a attempt of moot independence. Yet their friendship, normal pitch and goals could not but enable them to wait a meaningful plead your case in the Clerical, tremendously the same as taking into account they were in the end called to better-quality function, as some of them were.
The immediate zest for the conflict was the Irish Clerical Decree or Reform Act of 1832, by which Parliament sought after to dapper by ten the installment of Irish bishops in the Clerical of Ireland. The Oxford group professed this as an go to secularize the Clerical. John Keble was an Oriel fellow, professor of poetry, and curate to his pioneer in a irrelevant village on the heap of the Cotswolds, a man whose pedagogic responsibility had been one of utmost outstanding delicacy. In a address or else the Board of adjudicators of Assize at Oxford, July 14, 1833, John Keble attacked Parliament's understanding as an intrusion on the Clerical by the Situation, emphatically, as "back home apostasy". Keble challenged the Clerical of England to persona at the natural environment and incentive of the Clerical catholic and to resentment herself to her own buttressing.
Oxford Development leaders postulated the so-called Get Design, which held Anglicanism, timetabled with Conformity and Roman Catholicism, as forming three "branches" of the one "Catholic Clerical". They argued for the pen of traditional aspects of liturgy from medieval serious practice in a Clerical which, they felt, had become too dull.
Organize were usually two reactions to Keble's sermon: a static/conservative group of such scholars like Hugh James Rose, Richard Froude, William Palmer, an antiquarian liturgist, and Arthur Philip Percival; and the dynamic/radical Oxford group, represented former by Keble and Newman. The following group began publishing "Tracts for the Get older". The ahead of time of these was Newman's, "Dreams on the Ministerial Team, devotedly addressed to the Clergy". All the antiquated tracts sounded the actual substance of stress, hazard and attention. One-time writers combined them, some men of tall power and essential leaders in the put off. They would in the end subject 90 tracts. John Henry Newman, in the "Ad" of the tracts, persuasively states their intent: "The scrutiny Tracts were published with the tenacity of contributing everything towards the practical resurgence of doctrines, which, other than seized by the tall divines of our Clerical, at ongoing wait become outdated with the bunch of her members, and are far-flung from ordinary view even by the expert guru and honest few who slow bond to them."
Tracts #38 and #41, "Via Media", No. I and, at the fix to of the Bishop of Oxford, the concern of the Tracts came to an end.
John Henry Newman's transfer to Roman Catholicism in 1845, followed by that of Henry Edward Manning in 1851, (what's more of whom taking into account became Roman Catholic cardinals), had a driving effect upon the Development. It was attacked for sample a water "Romanizing" penchant, but it in the end began to wait an plead your case on the intention and practice of Anglicanism.
One-time major communication won over by the Oxford Development who became Roman Catholics include:
* Robert Hugh Benson, son of the Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, journalist, and monsignor.* John Chapman OSB, patristic scholar and Roman Catholic priest.
* Augusta Theodosia Drane, screenwriter and Dominican prioress.
* Frederick William Faber, theologian, hymn screenwriter, Oratorian and Roman Catholic priest.
* Gerard Manley Hopkins, playwright and Jesuit priest.
* Robert Stephen Wholesaler, playwright and Anglican priest, won over on his deathbed.
* Monsignor Ronald A. Knox, Biblical writing translator and recede an Anglican priest.
* Henry Edward Manning, taking into account Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster.
The Oxford Development at last resulted in the matter of Anglican serious guidelines, what's more of men and women. It integrated concept and practices attendant to the practice of liturgy and ceremony so as to bring expert powerful fiery symbolism and energy to the Clerical. It tremendously brought the insights of the Liturgical Development in the field of the life of the Clerical. Its belongings were so rife that the Eucharist little by little became expert key to fondness, vestments became normal, and profuse Catholic practices were re-introduced in the field of fondness. This led to controversies within churches that wrecked up in time, tremendously in the make a case about ritualism.
To some extent being bishops refused to sign over livings to Tractarian priests, copious of them wrecked up working in the slums. From their new ministries they pungent a condition of British extroverted policy, what's more careful and back home. One of the have a row was the matter of the Christian Unreserved Humanity, of which a installment of bishops were members, everywhere issues such as the justification stake, the structure of baggage renting, descendant downfall and business set were debated. The expert signpost Catholic Fight was a furthest slighter organisation than the Oxford Development. Anglo-Catholicism, as this dense of concept, styles and organizations became distinct, had a horrible plead your case on worldwide Anglicanism. Unpredictably, the Oxford Development was attacked what's more for sample inexplicable and in actual fact collusive.
At the back Newman's transfer to Rome in 1845, the name of the Oxford Development became principally unite with Edward Bouverie Pusey. He had become a close at hand supporter of the fathers and of that school of Anglican divines who had continued, or revived, in the17th century the give somebody the lowdown traditions of pre-Reformation teaching. His address, preached or else the studious in May, 1843, "The Wonderful Eucharist, a Hush to the Penitent", staggered the firm by his restating doctrines which, even if well distinct to ecclesiastical communication, had principally faded from the normal view. By the make use of of an train which, other than allowed, was approach outdated, Pusey was primed from preaching for two years. His prolong led to the sale of 18,000 copies of the condemned sermon! The address had the continual effect of making Pusey the utmost considerable person in the Anglican Clerical for the close zone of a century. It was one of the causes which led Newman to "whirl the Tiber".
A conflict, in the actual invention of which Pusey had had no bonus, came to film his name: it was "Puseyism", as it was popularly distinct, its adherents sample referred to as "Puseyites". Publicly and illegally, he wielded significant weight as scout of the conflict. He had his hands in every significant fight, theological or pedagogic.
The occasions on which Pusey preached or else his studious were all well-known. Assured of the sermons were manifestoes, marking abrupt stages in the history of the Supercilious Clerical working party of which he was the scout. The practice of wave in the Clerical of England wisely dates from his two sermons on "The Add up Absolution of the Penitent", in 1846, in which the resurgence of high sacramental thinking is complemented by his advocating a resurgence of the penitential structure which medieval theologians had appended to it. His address on "The Spirit of Christ in the Wonderful Eucharist", in 1853, ahead of time formulated the thinking roughly which approach all the ensuing theology of his followers revolved. It revolutionized Anglican fondness practices. Furthermost noted in the middle of his books are "The Ideology of the Perfectly Spirit" (1855) and "The Perfectly Spirit in the Ideology of the English Clerical" (1857), and the "Eirenicon", in which he endeavoured to find a lawsuit of coalition between the Clerical of England and the Roman Catholic Clerical.
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Author : Lee Wilson
Because of the bright lights behind me, the golf balls themselves appeared to be glowing that night as they flew through the air. I couldnt avoid hearing a loud voice over the clicking of clubs hitting golf balls. Id seen him there before and wed talked golf. Tonight his balding head reflected the lights of the driving range nearly the same way the golf balls did in flight. But it wasnt his shiny head that was annoying me, it was his foul mouth.It seemed he couldnt describe any event without using profane adjectives. He walked from one person to another telling golf stories, casting himself as the hero. Finally, a few feet away, his attention focused on me. "Are you still knocking the *%#* outta the ball?" he asked. I forced a smile, "Im hitting pretty good," I said hoping he would just keep walking. He didnt. Instead he began telling me why he chose to be at the driving range even though his wife wanted to spend time with him. Using filthy language, he told me men should "stand up" to their wives and do "whatever they wanted to do."Growing tired of his nonsense, I decided it was time to get rid of him. I waited until he finished lecturing about husbands and wives before saying, "I work for a Christian marriage ministry." I hit 3 golf balls during the awkward silence that followed.Open Mouth, Insert Foot"Ya know, people come to me for marriage help all the time," he began. "Why it was just the other day that..." His previous stories of his heroism shifted from haughty to holy. He told me about his church and that he encouraged new members to make friends with visitors. He told me about couples he counseled in his church. He told me that nothing mattered without Jesus. "Sometimes the best time to minister to others is while golfing," he said. At this point the awkward silence made its re-entrance. I think we both felt the hypocrisy in his words. He politely closed with small talk and walked away. I returned to hitting golf balls into the black sky.Its not a difficult application. James 3:10-12 says, "Out of the same mouth comes praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be. Can both fresh water and salt water flow from the same spring? My brothers, can a fig tree bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Neither can a salt spring produce fresh water."The Best Sermon isWe should always strive to live spiritually authentic lives. What we are in private and what we are in public should be similar. We cant expect the world to give credit to our testimonies of faith while we are both witnesses of Christ and puppets of profanity.Authentic spirituality doesnt happen over night. Just like physical strength, spiritual strength takes exercise and time. Our walk with Christ is not defined by rare strokes of spiritual brilliance; consistent effort and prayer define it.Paul said in 2 Timothy 4:2 convince, rebuke, and encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching."As for you, always be sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, carry out your ministry fully."As Christians, we are held to high standards. We represent Christ. We represent His Church. Though we are not perfect, the Bible says that we should be "imitators of God" (Ephesians 5:1). The journey is long and the goal is a lofty one, but the Holy Spirit inspired Paul to challenge us to it.Are you up for the challenge? It begins by imitating Jesus.-Lee WilsonLee Wilson is on staff at Family Dynamics Institute. Family Dynamics attempts to prevent marriage problems by helping couples who are already in troubled marriages and by teaching those in good marriages to prevent major issues before they happen. Lee combats marriage problems from another angle with his web site for Christian singles by helping them find compatibility in possible marriage candidates. Lee hopes that his efforts will help to decrease the divorce rate around the world. Lee also runs a web publication for Christians called Grace-Centered Magazine that includes a Christian message forum.
Keyword : real religion, hypocrites, christianity, ephesians 5:1, church, 2 timothy 4:2 & 5, james 3:10-12,
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3 SPECIAL DUSHERA OF INDIA- BASTAR DUSHERA, KULLU DUSHERA, MYSORE DUSHERA, FACTS OF MYSTERIOUS DUSSHERA OF KULLU, BASTER AND MYSORE Dushera of BastarDusshera is the festival of Success of sacred powers over negative powers. Generally every where people burn the statue of ravan on this day. But In India there are 3 places where the Dusshera is celebrated in a different way. These are -the dushera of Baster, Dusshera of Mysore and Dushera of Kullu. The main thing about these dushera is that there theme is not the ram-ravan fight but Worship of goddess shakti. LET'S SEE HOW DUSSHERA IS CELEBRATED HERE IN THESE 3 PLACES."1) BASTER DUSSHERA-"You can see the glimpses of tribal culture here. Some important Facts about Baster Dusherea are-A) Here dushera is celebrated for 75 days.B) It started from hariyali Amavasya.C) Here Dushera festival is celebrated to Devi Danteshwari of Baster.D) This was started by Purushottam dev who was the son of chalukya king Naresh bheraajdev.E) On the month of Ashwin a kalash installed in the temple of mata danteshwari and festival started. F) From the 2nd day to saptmi every day Rath yatra is organised. G) On Astmi worsip of goddess is done. H) Real dushera is celebrated on Ekadashi and it is closed on Teras. " Kullu Dushera2) KULLU DUSSHERA-"Here the dushera is celebrated to get the blessing of gods and goddesses.Some important facts of Kullu dushera are as follows-A) Here dushera is related with Raghunathji and devi hidimba.B) Here dushera is started when whole the country finished celebrating dushera.C) People around the villages of dhalpur reach here with their rath yatra of the village goddess or gram devi. D) when devi hidimba enter in the palace then dushera started here. E) The king pray to get the blessings of 365 gods and goddesses.F) On the 6th day of celebration all the gods and goddess gathered and whole night people enjoy singing and dancing. G) On the 7th day the Rath will be taken near to Vyas river where thorn tree is burned which represent the Lanka. H) At the end Raghunathji is backed in the temple and festival gets ended. Dushera of Mysore"3) MYSORE DUSSHERA-"A) In mysore Dushera started from the Amavasya of Ashwin month. B) On this day special rituals are done on the temple of devi chamundeshwari.C) Mysore palace and the hills of chamunda are decorated. D) Dushera here is celebrated in the memory of killing of Mahisasur.E) On this occasion many different types of cultural and religious programmes organized here. F) On the last day of dushera Elephants take the statue of devi to the Banni Mandapam and great fire works used whole the night and thus the dushera gets ended. So Enjoy the 3 different Dusshera of India In Kullu, Mysore and Baster. Mystery is present every where but we have to go in depth to find the truth. India is a land of culture and mystery. So Enjoy your holidays in India.READ MORE ON:Astrology Importance of DussheraFacts of Rashtrapati BhawanMystery Of India3 SPECIAL DUSHERA OF INDIA- BASTAR DUSHERA, KULLU DUSHERA, MYSORE DUSHERA, FACTS OF MYSTERIOUS DUSSHERA OF KULLU, BASTER AND MYSORE
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tet-asw: Almost everyone I know has at some time had a sunburn. Nowadays I am ridiculously careful with sunscreen every day having had a skin cancer scare a number of years ago. Before then, I often didn't realize that I had had too much Sun until a day later when my skin was inflamed and sensitive. I can recall times when just a fingertip running across my arm felt like someone dragging a rusty nail across my skin. There have been times when the sunburn was bad enough that even a cool soothing balm felt like an assault upon my skin. There was also, in those extreme cases, a sense of malaise as well. Nature often repeats certain patterns, and human nature perhaps even more often. I have often observed that what we experience in our physical bodies is also similar to what we experience in our souls, our psyches, and our spirits. I think that we can get a soulburn, and it is very much like a sunburn. By the way, a soulburn is not the same thing as burnout which is what happens when we do too much and burn the candle and both ends and the middle. (via Soulburn - PaganSquare - PaganSquare - Join the conversation!)
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I'm always fascinated by any discussion on prayer.
That's because there's no other form of communication available to us that gives us believers direct connection to the Lord and Creator of the Universe through His Son Jesus Christ!
I'm also always looking for ways to deepen and enrich my prayer life. As I've mentioned before, I'm ashamed to admit it, but my commitment to prayer has sometimes dwindled to the point where you wouldn't know that I was a Christian because I was certainly never caught praying let alone heard offering my prayers to other brothers and sisters in need.
I'm grateful that God has pointed me in the direction of several great Puritan Reformers lately. Here are just a few choice quotes from some of them about prayer.
"Prayer is never unseasonable."
-- John Donne
"Prayer is the soul's breathing itself into the bosom of its heavenly Father."
-- Thomas Watson
"Prayer that is faithless is fruitless."
-- Thomas Watson
"I wish I could pray like my dog looks at a piece of meat."
-- Martin Luther
"Prayer will make a man cease from sin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer."
-- John Bunyan
"Prayer requires more of the heart than of the tongue."
-- Adam Clarke
"Cold prayers always freeze before they reach heaven."
-- Thomas Brooks
"Words are but the body, the garment, the outside of prayer; sighs are nearer the heart work. A dumb beggar getteth an alms at Christ's gates, even by making signs, when his tongue cannot plead for him; and the rather, because he is dumb.... Tears have a tongue, and grammar, and language, that our Father knoweth. Babes have no prayer for the breast, but weeping: the mother can read hunger in weeping."
-- Samuel Rutherford
"George M"uller prayed about everything and expected each prayer to be answered. One example was when one of the orphan house's boiler stopped working; M"uller needed to have it fixed. Now this was a problem, because the boiler was bricked up and the weather was worsening with each day. So he prayed for two things; firstly that the workers he had hired would have a mind to work throughout the night, and secondly that the weather would let up. On the Tuesday before the work was due to commence, a bitter north wind still blew but in the morning, before the workmen arrived, a southerly wind began to blow and it was so mild that no fires were needed to heat the buildings. That evening, the foreman of the contracted company attended the site to see how he might speed things along, and instructed the men to report back first thing in the morning to make an early resumption of work. The team leader stated that they would prefer to work through the night. The job was done in 30 hours."
-- Steer, Roger
George M"uller: Delighted in God, Christian Focus Publications,1997
pp. 124-126
"NOT TO PRAY IS A SIN MOST ODIOUS. O! why cease we then to call instantly to his mercy, having his commandment so to do? Above all our iniquities, we work manifest contempt and despising of him, when, by negligence, we delay to call for his gracious support. Whoso does call upon God obeys his will, and finds therein no small consolation, knowing nothing is more acceptable to his Majesty than humble obedience (Jeremiah 7:23)."
-- John Knox
"Heart-work is hard work indeed. To shuffle over religious duties with a loose and careless spirit, will cost no great difficulties; but to set yourself before the Lord, and to tie up your loose and vain thoughts to a constant and serious attendance upon him: this will cost you something. To attain ease and dexterity of language in prayer and to be able to put your meaning into appropriate and fitting expressions is easy; but to get your heart broken for sin while you are actually confessing it; melted with free grace even while you are blessing God for it; to be really ashamed and humbled through the awareness of God's infinite holiness, and to keep your heart in this state not only in, but after these duties, will surely cost you some groans and travailing pain of soul."
-- John Flavel
"Believer, closet prayer will be found to be but a lifeless, comfortless thing, if you do not enjoy communion with God in it. Therefore press after it, as for life."
-- Thomas Brooks
"To an effectual prayer there must concur the intention of the mind and the affections of the heart; else it is not praying but parroting."
-- John Trapp
"Prayer is as natural an expression of faith as breathing is of life."
-- Jonathan Edwards
"I have been benefited by praying for others; for by making an errand to God for them I have gotten something for myself."
-- Samuel Rutherford
"It is not the length of your prayer, but the strength of your prayer which wins with God; and the strength of prayer lies in your faith in the promise which you have pleaded before the Lord."
-- Charles Spurgeon
"Pray often; for prayer is a shield to the soul, a sacrifice to God, and a scourge for Satan."
-- John Bunyan
"You should, in Tertullian's phrase, with a holy conspiracy, besiege heaven."
-- Thomas Manton
"I often pray, Lord, make me as holy as a pardoned sinner can be."
-- Robert Murray McCheyne
"God can pick sense out of a confused prayer."
-- Richard Sibbes
"To pray without labouring is to mock God."
-- Robert Haldane
"He who prays as he ought, will endeavor to live as he prays."
-- John Owen
Aren't those just spectacular?
For emphasis (as if you didn't get the point already! haha), I want to close with a story I once heard although I'm not sure who to attribute it to let alone cite as the source.
In any event, here it is...
"Five young college students were spending a Sunday in London, so they went to hear the famed C.H. Spurgeon preach. While waiting for the doors to open, the students were greeted by a man who asked, 'Gentlemen, let me show you around. Would you like to see the heating plant of this church?' They were not particularly interested, for it was a hot day in July. But they didn't want to offend the stranger, so they consented. The young men were taken down a stairway, a door was quietly opened, and their guide whispered, 'This is our heating plant.' Surprised, the students saw 700 people bowed in prayer, seeking a blessing on the service that was soon to begin in the auditorium above. Softly closing the door, the gentleman then introduced himself. It was none other than Charles Spurgeon."
Pray, pray, pray!
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I recently wrote about the Bishop of Lancaster here. Here's the text of a Press Release from the Lancaster Diocese:
DIOCESE OF LANCASTER LAUNCHES'THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU"CONFESSION INITIATIVELANCASTER - The Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Rev Michael Campbell OSA has already followed on from his New Year's Day Pastoral Letter and announced in a letter to his priests and Catholic schools the launch of an important initiative this Lent for the Diocese of Lancaster called "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU" - a diocesan-wide and high-profile celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Every Wednesday of Lent, from 29th February to the Wednesday of Holy Week, 4th April, every Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lancaster will be open from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. for Catholics to go to Confession.
Leading this outreach initiative of the 'New Evangelisation' as termed by Pope Benedict, Bishop Campbell added, "During the Lenten season, in a particular way we will invite those who seek to strengthen their relationship with the Lord to join us in this celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our priests are here to welcome you home, to pray with you, to be of service in the name of Jesus Christ, who offers all of us forgiveness for our sins and the gift of His mercy and love."
A new "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!" section of the diocesan website: has been recently added which includes information on the Sacrament of Confession including various Examinations of Conscience, the Act of Contrition, videos about the sacrament, and parish resources for promoting the initiative. Initial resources, posters and flyers have already been sent to all parishes and Catholic schools of the Diocese seeking their direct engagement. In February adverts will be placed in local newspapers and the other local media will be contacted.
Bishop Campbell states, "Confession gives us the chance to start over, to hit the 'reset' button of our lives. It shows how forgiving and compassionate our God is and it helps us to grow in concern and love for others. Come to Confession this Lent and receive God's mercy, for peace of mind and to deepen your friendship with Jesus, to receive spiritual healing and to increase your sense of joy and to experience Christ's saving grace."
As a preliminary to the upcoming "YEAR OF FAITH" (October 2012 to November 2013) announced by Pope Benedict XVI last year, "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!" is part of the Diocese of Lancaster's practical attempt to reach out to those who may have wandered from the life of the Church.
In response to those who feel it has been too long since their last confession or that God could not possibly forgive them, Bishop Campbell also said, "God's love for you is greater than all the sins you've committed or could ever commit. Now is the time to come and have God take away the burdens of guilt that can often weigh us down. If you've been waiting for a sign to return to the Church or to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this is your chance to re-establish and strengthen a relationship with God that will last forever".
About the Diocese of Lancaster: The Diocese of Lancaster was founded in 1924.Currently serving the needs of over 111,000 Catholics in Lancashire north of the Ribble and all of Cumbria, the Diocese of Lancaster is a spiritually enriching faith community consisting of 99 parishes, educating thousands of students in its 12 Catholic secondary and 86 Catholic primary schools, and ministering to the needs of many others through its pastoral and social service outreach, and several Catholic nursing and residential homes.
For more details please visit:
Fr Robert Billing
Bishop's Secretary
Bishop's Office
The Pastoral Centre
Balmoral Road
T: 01524 596050 E: