Bishop Of Lancaster Launches Lenten Confession Campaign In Preparation For Year Of Faith

Bishop Of Lancaster Launches Lenten Confession Campaign In Preparation For Year Of Faith
I recently wrote about the Bishop of Lancaster here. Here's the text of a Press Release from the Lancaster Diocese:

DIOCESE OF LANCASTER LAUNCHES'THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU"CONFESSION INITIATIVELANCASTER - The Bishop of Lancaster, Rt Rev Michael Campbell OSA has already followed on from his New Year's Day Pastoral Letter and announced in a letter to his priests and Catholic schools the launch of an important initiative this Lent for the Diocese of Lancaster called "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU" - a diocesan-wide and high-profile celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Every Wednesday of Lent, from 29th February to the Wednesday of Holy Week, 4th April, every Catholic Church in the Diocese of Lancaster will be open from 7.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. for Catholics to go to Confession.

Leading this outreach initiative of the 'New Evangelisation' as termed by Pope Benedict, Bishop Campbell added, "During the Lenten season, in a particular way we will invite those who seek to strengthen their relationship with the Lord to join us in this celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Our priests are here to welcome you home, to pray with you, to be of service in the name of Jesus Christ, who offers all of us forgiveness for our sins and the gift of His mercy and love."

A new "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!" section of the diocesan website: has been recently added which includes information on the Sacrament of Confession including various Examinations of Conscience, the Act of Contrition, videos about the sacrament, and parish resources for promoting the initiative. Initial resources, posters and flyers have already been sent to all parishes and Catholic schools of the Diocese seeking their direct engagement. In February adverts will be placed in local newspapers and the other local media will be contacted.

Bishop Campbell states, "Confession gives us the chance to start over, to hit the 'reset' button of our lives. It shows how forgiving and compassionate our God is and it helps us to grow in concern and love for others. Come to Confession this Lent and receive God's mercy, for peace of mind and to deepen your friendship with Jesus, to receive spiritual healing and to increase your sense of joy and to experience Christ's saving grace."

As a preliminary to the upcoming "YEAR OF FAITH" (October 2012 to November 2013) announced by Pope Benedict XVI last year, "THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU!" is part of the Diocese of Lancaster's practical attempt to reach out to those who may have wandered from the life of the Church.

In response to those who feel it has been too long since their last confession or that God could not possibly forgive them, Bishop Campbell also said, "God's love for you is greater than all the sins you've committed or could ever commit. Now is the time to come and have God take away the burdens of guilt that can often weigh us down. If you've been waiting for a sign to return to the Church or to the Sacrament of Reconciliation, this is your chance to re-establish and strengthen a relationship with God that will last forever".

About the Diocese of Lancaster: The Diocese of Lancaster was founded in 1924.Currently serving the needs of over 111,000 Catholics in Lancashire north of the Ribble and all of Cumbria, the Diocese of Lancaster is a spiritually enriching faith community consisting of 99 parishes, educating thousands of students in its 12 Catholic secondary and 86 Catholic primary schools, and ministering to the needs of many others through its pastoral and social service outreach, and several Catholic nursing and residential homes.

For more details please visit:


Fr Robert Billing

Bishop's Secretary

Bishop's Office

The Pastoral Centre

Balmoral Road



T: 01524 596050 E: