Learn Witchcraft As It Should Be Done

Learn Witchcraft As It Should Be Done
By Michael G Day

So you want to be a witch and you want to be able to

cast spells right away. Good luck finding someone to teach you. A

practicing witch may well teach you but you must learn witchcraft as it

should be done. Solo or in a coven you will have to begin with the


Witchcraft has a set of basic principles that most adhere

to. No two covens are identical and each will have some variations

depending on it's own leadership. Learning from a solo witch brings in

even more variables. The basics are fairly constant though.


first principle states that you can do as you will, so long as you harm

none. That also means you cannot harm yourself. Harming others includes

gratuitous violence such as war unless in self defense.

The law

of cause and effect. Every action has a reaction and every effect has a

cause. All things occur according to this law and whatever goes forth

will return threefold.

Harmonizing with the universe is another

basic principle. This involves recognizing that everything is dual.

This can best be summed up by saying that to every action there is a

reaction and that everything has an opposite. All things are balanced.


things exist within the universe and therefore all live. Nothing is

dead. This in turn means that there is no true death as we merely alter

our condition or state.

All Gods are one God and all Goddesses

are one Goddess. What these are called may be different in any given

tradition but they are all one in the same no matter how the individual

tradition chooses to name them.

Care for the body as it contains

the spark of life. Heal others, both physically and psychologically,

but only with their consent and express permission.

These are not

all of the basic principles but cover some of them. All are equally

important. Once you have learned all of that then you might begin to

harmonize with nature and learn magick. Learn witchcraft as it should

be done, do not try to run before you can walk.

You Are Invited To Discover Traditional Witchcraft

And Become Part Of The Inner World of

The Traditional Magical Arts... at The History of Witchcraft

Source: magical-poetry.blogspot.com