Tarot Card Meaning The Ace Of Wands Rws And Thoth

Tarot Card Meaning The Ace Of Wands Rws And Thoth

Meanings Upright, Ill-dignified, and Reversed, RX

Rider Waite Smith, and Thoth

Occult Name: The Root of the Powers of Fire

ACE OF WANDS IN TIMING: One day; or the season of spring

KABBALAH: The fiery aspect of Kether

READING WITH PLAYING CARDS: Equivalent to the Ace of Clubs


As like all Aces, the Ace of Wands speaks of "an abundance of energy" towards a positive, new beginning. In the case of this particular Ace, you are seeing a potentiality which relates to enterprise, your social circle, family, and matters of will. The Wand is a phallic symbol, and is obviously thereby also masculine.

The problem with potentiality, if there is one, is that nothing is written in stone. For example, when asking about an idea for a new enterprise, the Ace of Wands portends that it is a fully viable concept and that there is great potential for it to grow and thrive. But truly, what happens will be based upon your drive, passion, effort, and actions. This card is telling you of the energies you have to work with; but of course the energies will not bring your project to fruition for you.

The properties of fire as they apply to this Ace, can be a strong, driving and propelling energy; or else they can be like a wildfire burning out of control - extremely destructive. Your will is burning as like fire; it is indeed the force the Ace speaks of. Keep the flame lit and focused on a goal, and things will proceed swimmingly.

This card, as is the case with all of the Aces, refers to new beginnings with the essential energy of its suit and element sitting at the core of the matter.


* Your view of things will color the outcome of your situation; so have faith in yourself, and have faith in your project.
* The level of enthusiasm you are feeling will potentially take you far.
* If you have reached a blockage in moving forward, this card tells you that there is a solution available to you; brainstorm your issue in a creative, imaginative way.
* Grab the brass ring and go for it.
* The Ace of Wands may refer to the conception of a child; to see if this is the case, refer to neighboring cards.
* Take note of the fact that there is a hand in this card, as sometimes it can refer to that, or to a nail, as on the finger. It can therefore symbolize the grasping of a concept, or anything else that such a grouping of symbols may bring to mind.
* Sometimes in order to move ahead, using force becomes necessary. In this case the force is you using creativity, imagination, and the application of will, to break down your blockage.
* Your success may already be significant in one area; if so, this card may be suggesting that you consider conquering new territory in your ventures.
* Seek sources of inspiration to get your creative juices flowing again.
* You have a talent that hasn't yet been tapped into; consider working with it.
* Create an environment of excitement in order to get things done.
* Exert will more effectively in order to meet your ends.
* There is one goal you hold dear above all others; think about pursuing it.
* You are on your own, or may as well be.
* Consider breaking away from your current working environment to embark upon a solo project.


* If one concept has failed you, move on to try another.
* One way to deal with current blockages is to state exactly what is on your mind.
* An event you were looking forward to will be postponed or cancelled.
* A situation that once held promise is now facing collapse and decay.
* Dealing with a loss of faith in oneself.
* Lacking optimism.
* Unclear in direction or strategy.
* An existing venture faces termination.
* Even though things look okay to proceed, the initial takf will be of poor quality.
* Impotence, sterility, or infertile land.
* Unwilling to commit.
* A female facing consistent issues with men.
* The properties of fire exist in too large of a volume to be effectively controlled.

Illustrations from the Rider-Waite Tarot Deck(R), known also as the Rider Tarot and the Waite Tarot, reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems, Inc., Stamford, CT 06902 USA. Copyright (c)1971 by U.S. Games Systems, Inc. Further reproduction prohibited. The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck(R) is a registered trademark of U.S. Games Systems, Inc.

RWS image is a Wikimedia file from a 1909 deck, originally scanned by Holly Voley http://home.comcast.net/~vilex/

Thoth Images Copyright (c) US Games Systems Inc.; AGMuller; O.T.O.

All content copyrighted to Jude's Metaphysical World and the Webmaster ther; 2011 and forth.