Wicca Moon Week Friday

Wicca Moon Week Friday
Wicca Moon by Shirlee @ WiccaMoon

It's Good Friday, bank holiday and I'm off work! Yay! Last night I fell asleep on the couch around 8.40 pm and didn't really wake up again until midnight, when I got up and groggily went to bed. So it's now 6 AM and I'm up and feeling relatively human for a change. (I tend to have trouble getting a decent number of hours' sleep; usually it's around 5 or 6 that I average per night. No idea why.)

I remember saying to hubster last night we had better not have too much sugar or coffee because we'd be up until 2 or 3 in the morning like were recently, and he was all 'Doesn't matter, no work tomorrow, yay!' And I said, 'It interrupts the circadian rhythm.' It occurs to me this morning that keeping up the circadian rhythm is an Emperor-ish thing to do.

I particularly like this Emperor from the Wicca Moon Tarot (by Shirlee @ Wicca Moon). He has a commanding presence in his gold-embroidered, red velvet robes, with his scepter in hand and gold crown/headband/torque on his head. He looks like a very strong character indeed. Physically, he is a robust specimen; one imagines he would be a strong chap who could lift heavy, fight hard, endure much. He'd be a good fighter, if it came to that. But possibly, like the male lion, he might never be called on to use his power because his potential as a dangerous adversary is so obvious as to prevent attack. And yet for all that, his smile is benevolent and even welcoming.

I've never made a secret of my fondness for the Emperor. I suppose he represents many of my ideals of masculinity. I like that he is in charge, that he has a strategy, that he has a deep understanding of how to achieve and maintain power, while (in his most positive aspect at least) remaining concerned for the welfare of those under his charge. I believe that he is the force in the universe that imposes order on the chaos of human nature--his is the force that gave us agriculture, social structure/roles, architecture, science, government, law, judicial systems. Human society would not be possible without his strong, fatherly hand. He is the father of human endeavor.

Because he represents discipline and authority to me, I would tend to read this daily draw as suggesting that discipline and order are needed today. In fact, we are doing some very grown-up admin things today regarding our savings (new financial year and all that) and we are also going to be making a plan for getting rid of some stuff and reducing our monthly outgo so that we can increase the amount available to tuck away for the future. I guess financial planning is also an Emperor thing!

Edited to add: I forgot! Another thing this Emperor card may point to--we intend to watch 'The Godfather' today. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. One of my favourite films. ha

A blessed Good Friday to all.