It Finally Spring

It Finally Spring
I absolutely LOVE that spring is here The weather is finally warm enough so that I can have the windows open in my house and get it all aired out. I am loving the smell of the fresh air in my home. It's also put me on quite the cleaning spree! I'm getting rid of lots of dust and cobwebs lol I've also been outside with the kids a LOT in the past week. I love taking Cole for walks and just watching and following him. He is adorable to watch as he explores everything and learns what everything is. It's just putting me in such a positive relaxed mood.I am still working on my studies in between as well. I got approval to work on the herbalist test 1. I am hoping to get started on that this afternoon or tomorrow. I ordered a couple of books from the bookstore. I ordered To Ride A Silver Broomstick by Silver Ravenwolf and Wicca: A guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham. I am excited to receive them. I also ordered the Pentacle Chest of Witchcraft. It's on backorder for a few weeks but I am very anxious to have a place to store the items I have been collecting.
