It Plough Monday

It Plough Monday
"In Belgium, the Monday after Epiphany is called "LOST MONDAY" and is a day of universal idleness. Hence probably has arisen the custom, not confined, however, to Belgian workmen alone, of idling every Monday or as they call it "MAKING BLUE MONDAY."

Plough-Monday is the first Monday after Twelfth Day (6TH OF JANUARY). It is so called because, the Christmas holidays being over, the men return to their plough or daily work. It was customary on this day for farm laborers to draw a plough-called "WHITE" on account of the mummers being dressed in white, gaudily trimmed with flowers and ribbons-through the parish, soliciting "PLOUGH-MONEY," which would be spent in a frolic. The queen of the feast was called Bessy. The plough was also called "FOND" or "FOOL," because the procession is fond or foolish, not serious nor of a business character.

Found in: Encyclopaedia of Superstitions, Folklore, and the Occult Sciences of the World

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