The Truth About Wicca And Paganism

The Truth About Wicca And Paganism
Offer are a lot of myths and misconceptions about Wicca, greatest of which are perpetuated by human resources who (a) don't know any way in and (b) handhold never diligent the time to learn the truth. Let's talk about some of the greatest communal bits of polish human resources become aware of about Wicca and modern Paganism.
Is Wicca some weird cult?

No, it's not, no arrogant so than any other religion. Without doubt, exhibit are some "weird" Wiccans, but exhibit are also human resources in other religions who are "weird." Wicca is actually a religion, albeit a rather new one, which is based on ancient practices. As it was founded by a guy named Gerald Gardner back in the 1950s, it is yet a officially plain religion. Wiccans handhold the especially self-righteous job as human resources of any other spiritual path. Accurate human resources do be offended to get mystified, period, for example the word "occult," which income secret or unknown, is often associated with the Wiccan religion.
Do witches be keen on the Devil?

No. Satan is a Christian originate, and Wiccans don't be keen on him. Consistent the Satanists don't actually be keen on Satan, but that's a whole 'nother have a discussion.
You guys handhold sex orgies, right?

Nope. However, greatest Pagans and Wiccans are pretty lax some time ago it comes to sexuality. We don't supervision who you put your feet up with, as want as a person knotty is a accepting important. We don't supervision if you're adequate, gay, transgendered, polyamorous, or doesn't matter what exceedingly. Who you handhold sex with, and how often, and in what matter is your business. We entirely faith that at all you're proceed, you do sensibly. Offer are some Wiccan groups who practice skyclad, or bare, but that's not really sexual in nature.
How come you use that Satanic symbol with the star on it?

You mean the pentacle? That's a symbol, for profuse Wiccans and Pagans, of the four reproduction elements: earth, air, fire and water, as well as a fifth element of Strength or Substance.
Do Wiccans cast spells?

Yes. In Wicca, and profuse other Pagan paths, the use of magic is willful distinctly natural. It's not the especially as the magic seen in Irritate Potter, but for Wiccans, magic is part of the natural world. Accurate spells walk off with the form of prayers to the gods, and others are based on direct of bestow and aim. Maximum Wiccans bestow address you they use spellwork for a variety of strike -- healing, original empowerment, prosperity, etc. Spiritual is a tool that is typically second hand in bicycle with the commonplace, or non-magical, world.
What's the discrepancy amongst a Wiccan and a Pagan?

Rudely all Wiccans are Pagans, but not all Pagans are Wiccans. As if that wasn't bizarre ample, exhibit are some human resources who are witches, but not Wiccan or Pagan. Mystified yet? You're not puzzled. Bascially, "Pagan" is an umbrella time for a group of well-defined spiritual paths. For arrogant on how this works, read What's the Difference?.
Why do human resources become Wiccans?

The reasons are as thick as the human resources. Accurate find themselves yet to Wicca for example of a disquiet with other religions. Others study a variety of religions and as a result realize that Wicca is the greatest like-minded with what they more willingly than understand. A few human resources who are practicing Wiccans and Pagans today were raised in Pagan families. Regardless, in the region of every Wiccan bestow address you that they came to Wicca for example they knew it was the recompense path for them.
How do you draftee new Wiccans in vogue your religion?

We don't. As we'll happily land information with you and fit your questions, we're not interesting in collecting new people. Here's why: Do Wiccans Recruit?
Aren't you anxious that you're goodbye to go to hell?

First-rate, no. Outlying to the same degree Satan, the picture of Hell is a Christian one. It's not really even on our radar. However, exhibit are a few human resources -- typically those who handhold come to Wicca from a Christian background -- who do alarm about this very well up. For the rest of us, we know that the approach of our thing does not depend on savior or receiving of deity as a redeemer. Somewhat, we matter on proceed good strike, for example we know that what we do in this all-time bestow healthy upon us in the adjacent.
Do you understand in God?

Wiccans and Pagans are typically polytheistic, which income we understand in arrogant than one deity. If you beginning at "god" as a job description moderately than a formal name, we understand in a variety of gods and goddesses, moderately than One Secluded God. Maximum Pagans and Wiccans state the permanent of thousands of deities, but in general be keen on or difference in words of one syllable the gods of their own tradition.
So what do Wiccans do and understand, then?

First-class sample, and not a simple one with entirely a rare fit. To learn about what Wiccans do and understand, read Obligation Ethics and Concepts of Wicca and Ten Equipment To Recount Not quite Wicca.
