Wed June 16 2010 Tonight On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell

Wed June 16 2010 Tonight On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell

CAL GARRISON - The Astrology of 2012 and Beyond - In October 2007, a new phenomenon appeared in the sky, was named the Comet Holmes, and is being claimed and acclaimed by the Hopi Nation as the Blue Star of their prophecy. The Blue Star is the harbinger. Between now and somewhere in 2013-2014, when the Red Star appears, great shifts in human consciousness will continue. With the fulfillment of the Mayan Long Count calendar in 2012 and the appearance of the Red Star, many are predicting that human consciousness will rise to the next level. Although there may be catastrophic events associated with this period, and life as we know it will surely change, if we do the work, this will not be the Apocalypse. Cal Garrison is a professional astrologer and the editor of Spirit of Maat online magazine. She is a trained Flower of Life coordinator and longtime student of Drunvalo Melchizedek. She has written for magazines, among them Glamour and Wisdom, on astrology and women's issues. She is the author of The Old Girls' Book of Spells, and Slim Spurling's Universe.

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific

RUSSELL TARG - Teaching the CIA Remote Viewing - Now in paper Do You See What I See a droll memoir by a world-class physicist that includes recollections of his involvement with pioneering laser research, encounters with many of the most recognizable literary, cultural, and entertainment figures of the 20th century, and his role in teaching ESP techniques to the CIA. Russell Targ is a Zelig-like character. His story is an idiosyncratic journey through the highways and byways of American intellectual, scientific, and cultural life in the 20th century. Along the way he has rubbed elbows with Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, Alan and Arlene Alda, Bobby Fischer, and Sally Rand. He was a pioneer in laser research and spent many years developing airborne laser wind sensors for Lockheed and NASA. In addition, he co-founded the Stanford Research Institute remove viewing program-which was funded by the CIA-and was instrumental in tracking Soviet and Chinese weapon installations during the Cold War. And to round it out, he is a legally blind motorcyclist-who happens to be a Buddhist. This is a fascinating memoir by a first-class intellect; the story of a physicist who has pushed the boundaries of science to explore the realms of parapsychology, spirituality, and the unexplained. Russell Targ is currently "retired" and enjoys motorcycling in the Silcon Valley (even though he is legally blind) and studying Dzogchen Buddhism.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific

RANDY ROGERS - The Key Of Life: A Metaphysical Incestigation - Randy Rogers is the president of Telefilm, Inc., a Los Angeles based production company. His career spans four decades of working in the newspaper, television and motion picture business. During that time, he has covered every type of major news event from George McGovern's 1972 election bid to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989. His company, Telefilm, has handled the promotion of the world's biggest motion pictures including The Matrix, Harry Potter, Pearl Harbor, Batman, Superman, Shrek, Toy Story, Iron Man and Indiana Jones. Growing up in the western Pennsylvania steel town of Johnstown, Randy asked for his first camera from a Green Stamps catalog on his 10th birthday. That camera started him on a life long path as a photographer. His first part time job in 1969, as an usher at the State Theatre, subtly foretold where that path would be heading. From that day forward, Randy worked in the news and motion picture business.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

BISHOP MEHRAN SAAM - Raelian Movement - Rael, founder and leader of the Raelian Movement (, today issued a statement in response to Stephen Hawking's speculations about hostile extraterrestrials. Widely previewed in the popular media, Hawking's pessimistic ruminations are part of an upcoming Discovery Channel television series. "With these views, Hawking demonstrates that he's not only physically handicapped but mentally handicapped by the degenerative disease of 'evolutionism' or 'Darwinism,' " Rael said. "His fears about murderous, invading aliens are based on the theory of evolution - the myth of evolution, to be more precise. He's afraid humans are inferior to aliens who might invade. That's logical, but only if you accept the myth of evolution." Rael called evolution "a magical, irrational concept" that does great harm. "Hitler's views about superior Aryans; slavery and apartheid; and Hawking's delirium of aliens wiping out humanity all fit perfectly with the evolution myth," he said, adding that he admires the stance taken by Swedish scientist Soren Lovtrup. "Lovtrup said Darwinian evolution will one day be considered the greatest deceit in the history of science and that it's anti-science and false," he said. "I agree." And the truth about the origin of life on Earth? "It's the result of intelligent design, not by just one so-called godly designer but by extraterrestrial designers, plural, called the Elohim," Rael said. "With intelligent design, you automatically have intelligent organization of the universe as well, organization based on peace and love, not on monsters ready to invade and destroy humanity." Why? "Intelligent designers wouldn't allow anyone to destroy their creation," Rael said. "What's more, with cosmic laws based on intelligent design, violent species wind up self-destructing before they can spread their violence to other planets." Is this a lesson for humanity? "We can use weapons of mass destruction to eliminate ourselves," Rael explained. "We don't need alien invasions for that; we're powerful enough and stupid enough to do it ourselves unless peace and love prevail. Stephen Hawking is doing a terrible thing by instilling fear. Fear leads to poor health, bad behaviors and the militaristic policy of weapons accumulation that can lead to humanity's self-destruction. The world needs peace, love and global disarmament, not fear. And we must eliminate the myth of God and the myth of evolution, since both of these myths perpetuate fear and violence."


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Shields Up Revisited

Shields Up Revisited
In my blog post Law #2: Prevent Damaging Exuberance, I described techniques to move away critical energy. I've evenly referenced the defensive guilty organization "Shields Up".Due to questions from readers of this blog, I make an effort it would be a good piece together to go in the sphere of deeper item.Interior defensive shields are a impressive way to move away critical energy and to redirect spiritual attacks vs. you. It is an easy organization that you can do time was meditating and be able to immediately put up your spiritual ramparts. * Vital TrickSway of a pleasure or sci-fi survey on valor fields. Crave with the Brave woman Struggle series, time was faced with an immanent attack, the person in charge of the ship ghost direct "Shields Up" for a preventive argument strategy.These shields get down to it a ball that surrounds the ship. I require to view of it as a few glimmering downcast. In some story settings, the ball ghost allow won over objects to lawlessness lay aside it, but unobtrusive redirect attacks.In the field of your meditation, you can picture this ball almost yourself and you can reference to yourself "Shields Up" as you direct on the shell ability to see. Hope specific energy anyone officially recognized to lawlessness lay aside the shell with overfriendliness, but critical energy is deflected as a dark red beam lively off the shell. * Complete TrickIn definitive spiritual attacks, you can do a attach of other objects to ratify these shields. My spouse uses what she calls her "pointed ball" that has slow spikes that not perfectly redirect spiritual attacks, but noticeably of deflecting the attacks harmlessly, it revenue the attacks back to the correspondent (require a porcupine effect). I use a provide for organization someplace I picture bolted weapon porcelain with the extraordinarily unclutteredness of the shields starting in presupposition of me making a metal find and bolting themselves in the sphere of my shell in a clockwise bearing almost me starting very much in my inside layer personnel. Later I plague the porcelain bolted in the sphere of my shell almost me, I promise that they paint the top half of my ball all the way to very much exclusive me and next the humble half very much beneath me. This provides a thicker facade of make allowances for and reinforces my shields. * Extra MixtureI as well use this organization time was constructing my blog post Honest 12: The Bend of Reliance, frequently relaxed as a magic circle. I use the organization to move my private shell to as well drape my spiritual or meditation work administrative area. * Long-standing USESSubsequent to roving, I harshly direct my private shields to drape the auto that I'm hammering. I've as well delayed this shell almost my home in get older I name alarm so that I can protect my inherited lacking visualizing a shell for each inherited taking sides. This allows me to direct my energies on one shell and not four in my direct memorable.Acquaint with are other techniques that work as well. I've talked with nation that use white, gold or silver light from divine energy sources such as deities, spiritual guides, etc. They picture this as a powerful core beam that surrounds them. Sway of the light hand-me-down by aliens to abduct nation in movies.I aspiration this supplementary information helps complete all the questions. I ghost allude to this post for "Shields Up" in the a long way away.I would require to bump your observations or questions as to this post. Gratify name free to email me by clicking Here.

The Goddess Mut

The Goddess Mut
"TITLES: Noble of Heaven; Sovereign of Deities; Mother of the Mothers"ORIGIN: "Egypt"ATTRIBUTE: "Ankh, the symbol of life"FLOWER: "Navy water lily"BIRD: "Vulture, in addition the griffon vulture"Her name route "mom." Mut, the vulture goddess, is the spirit of motherliness. So potently deep that she conceived and gave birth to herself, Mut, an exact loved goddess, was well-regarded in the environs of Egypt. She bestows exclusive splendor and protection.Except externally a unite goddess, she became a home town goddess into the New Land-living (in relation to 1550 - 1070 BCE). Stylish this era, the brides of Pharaohs, queens of Egypt, served as Mut's leading priestesses. Originally well-regarded as an neutral goddess, as Mut became with time common, she spellbound quality of other goddesses. At the end of the day a marriage was usual among mut and the express deity Ammon and Mut assumed the involvement of the less common Amonet. Mut is sometimes established as the Eye or Ra.MANIFESTATION: Mut appears as a crowned vulture, a white vulture, or a beast who may abide wings and/or wear a vulture helmet.ICONOGRAPHY: Sophisticated depictions of Mut attraction her as a lioness, a cow, or a cobra-headed goddess, but this may show from testimonial with other goddesses, in addition Sekhmet.OFFERINGS: Aggravate. If you wish to hoard a traditional be keen on, expound, hoard two hand mirrors: one silver, one gold. You are symbolically helpful her the moon and sun.From: Directory of Self-esteem


Total Lunar Eclipse Dominated By Infinite Power And Volcanic Imagination

Total Lunar Eclipse Dominated By Infinite Power And Volcanic Imagination
The first Total Lunar Eclipse in 3 years, begins @ 8:18 PM UT and almost as an afterthought the Full Moon commences in Virgo @ 11:17PM. UT. or 3:17 PM PST 6:17 PM EST. This Total Lunar Eclipse will last 74 minutes for viewers favorably positioned in Europe, Africa, or the eastern half of North America. favorably positioned in Europe, Africa, or the eastern half of North America. Note that this eclipse series (A Partial Solar occurs 3-19-07) is known as Saros Series 9 New North which has the flavor per B Brady of a Venus-Mercury conjunction on a Mars-Pluto Midpoint and Mars is on a Uranus-Pluto Midpoint.

Saros Series 9 New North which is also known to be extremely physically active with a large preponderance for accidents. It is best to engage in physical exercise that we know well or feel comfortable with participation.

Both of these eclipses will be precursors to major earth changes especially connected with the deep sea earthquakes. In fact if we look at the energies coming from the Dragon's Tail or Moon's South Node @ 16^0 23' Virgo we are talking about gifts from the past and ancient frequencies coming to light. South Node will be opposing the Sun on 3-7 and Uranus in Pisces (the cry for freedom-unexpected events) on March 31st, we see tremendous power and energies bubbling up from earth-sea and sky.

Sabian Symbol for 17^0 Virgo: A Volcano in Eruption per Dr. Jones with the emphasis on the word: Explosion which will auger not only outbursts from earth's core but our own deeper creative potentials.

Venus the only planet not in a Universal Sign and the New Beginning:

Looking at Venus @ 13^0 A serpent curling between a man and a woman ala Dr. Jones or more modern and detailed: The Temple of Wisdom bordered by four columns in the shape of intertwined serpents. Inside a man and a woman face each other and exchange gifts of knowledge. this has a certain reminiscence to Adam @ Eve scene and Kundalini and the mixing of DNA or much more


Unfortunately The last week has been dominated by mutability, reactive forces like the world markets from China to the Dow dropping, fear of US or Israel attacking Iran, tornadoes hitting the SouthEast US. Added to real like events there have been wild conjectures amidst even wilder weather. We are in the throes of unexpected Uranian mutual reception to fantasies-dreams of true Neptunian nature. In fact we are just a few days from an exa ct opposition from Saturn (representing structure, crystallized energy - BONES) to the Lord of the Oceans. Poseidon's brother was Zeus (Jupiter) ruler of the skies and Hades (Pluto) ruler of the underworld. Yes Poseidon (Greek: ) was the god of the seas, as well as of horses (resonant with current Jupiter in Sagittarius) and, as "Earth-Shaker", of earthquakes (latest a 6-2 temblor on 2-28-07 off SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION. And yest Poseidon rules volcanoes too with latest-Stromboli off coast of Sicily the latest headline grabber. Whichever way we turn whether to the oceans or the sky things are reapidly dissolving and expanding...the Gulf Stream may actually shut down due to the fresh water from the rapid melting of the poles. Yes with Saturn also reflecting the fact that Earth is overheating and in the sights of solar flares and CME coronal mass ejections. Lately the internet has been buzzing about massive UFO sightings and a Massive Galactic Tsunami coming from Deep Space around the middle of March? or is that March 21st day of the Equinox 0 Aries Ingress.

Since Uranus passed Venus in Pisces on 2-7-2007, Stargates began to open on 2-11-2007 with massive energy felt on the Aquarian New Moon @ 28^0. Then talk of a Galactic Super Wave - is this caused by the gamma ray bursts from the GC. Rumors spread like proverbial wildfires and have increased on Forums like Godlike Productions these discussions have wound for miles like Giant Cosmic Pythons. After Pluto passed the Galactic Center @ 26^0 55' Sagittarius on December 28th havoc has broken loose compounded by the expansive news and prescence of multiple energies from Deep Space - Jupiter in Sagittarius. Unquestionably the Oceans are on the Move and land masses are activated by more frequent quakes.

Let's backtrack, when looking at the Full Moon chart (set for 11:17 PM UT) our Sabian Symbol for 14^0 Virgo (luna full at 13^0 01) old version: A family tree - Dr. Marc Edmund Jones talks of living "the lives of forbears or aceptance the guidance coming from their spiritual presence in the blood" along with Jones Sabian for 13^0 Pisces (with Sun @ 12^0 59') A Sword in a Museum reflects more past traditions. Ancient discoveries and pronouncements have been rampant since the Neptune-Oppositon-Saturn with James Cameron and fellow filmmaker Simcha Jacobovici announcement that Jesus tomb has been found and he was married to Magadalene and had a child named 'Judah, son of Jesus. Hera's statue being found inside a wall near Mt. Olympus-Greece,

CHART BELOW IS SET FOR 10:44 PM UT for London, UK when Eclipse is at Totality

Here we see Saturn-Leo at MidHeaven almost exact opposing Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. So the authorities whether they be the Bushies or the Royals or Illuminati think they hold all the cards or is it bones but are ever rapidly meeting the power of dissolution (Neptune) and societies wounded healers (Chiron)

(2)Large 4th house signifies the Weather, the land, its values as real estate and agriculture, housing and living conditions with Sun moving to conjunction with Uranus - TOTAL UNEXPECTED CONDITIONS ALL AROUND - Snowstorms sock upper Midwest, move East

(3)The nodes occupy the 5th-11th house axis putting emphasis on groups feeling the effect of highly speculative nature (5th house N Node or Dragon's head)

Let Go Forgive Alternative Lection For Epiphany 2 David Ackerman

Let Go Forgive Alternative Lection For Epiphany 2 David Ackerman
On this second Sunday after Epiphany (January 19, 2014), we hear a words of forgiveness. There is the story of Esau embracing the returning Jacob, Gamaliel offering counsel of patience regarding this new Jesus movement, and Jesus, the Light of the World, changing the dynamics of judgment. Often at the beginning of a new year this is a word we need to hear so that we might experience reconciliation with God and with neighbor. Should you be looking for an alternative way of engaging the scriptures and you're a lectionary preacher, I again invite you to consider following David Ackerman's lead. David is a pastor from the United Church of Christ who has a heart for preaching and the word they are tasked to bring.
EPIPHANY 2"LET GO; FORGIVE."CALL TO WORSHIP: Psalm 44:23-26 NRSV"One": Rouse yourself! Why do you sleep, O Lord? Awake, do not cast us off forever!"Many": Why do you hide your face? Why do you forget our affliction and oppression?"One": For we sink down to the dust; our bodies cling to the ground."Many": Rise up, come to our help. Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love.GATHERING PRAYER: We come here today, God, from so many places and settings in life. There are so many different things on our minds, and with all these distractions, we confess that it's hard to really focus on you. Help us, in this time that we share together, to look to you as the source of our strength, and teach us how to see our lives as gifts of joy and blessing.CONFESSION: It's so hard for us to forgive, God. We're tempted to think that forgiveness is about accepting abuse and saying that it's okay when people do bad things to us. But this is far from the truth. We know deep down that forgiveness is about power, and that we come to a place of forgiveness when we say to someone who has wronged us, "The power you once had over me, you no longer have." We find the strength to say this when we see how much you, God, have also forgiven us. So help us this day to feel your forgiveness, and in turn, to find the power to forgive the wrongs that others have committed against us.ASSURANCE: God sets us free from the wrongs of yesterday so that we also may find power to forgive the wrongs that others have done to us. Let us give thanks and praise to God for this amazing gift!SCRIPTURES: Genesis 32:3-7a, 33:1-4 - "Esau's Mercy"Acts 5:33-42 - "The Counsel of Gamaliel"John 8:12-20 - "I Am the Light of the World"COMMENTARIES AND SERMON IDEAS are available in "Beyond the Lectionary".REFLECTION QUESTIONS: * If Jacob (Israel) is supposed to be a heroic figure in Genesis, why do you think that it's Esau who is shown to be merciful and gracious in today's first reading? What do you think this passage suggests about God's relationship to Gentiles (non-Israelite people) from the very beginnings of the Jewish people? How might this apply to those whom we, in the Christian church, consider "outsiders" or "outcasts" today? * Has anyone ever had mercy on you? How did it feel? Have you ever shown mercy to someone? How did that feel? * What do you make of the story of Gamaliel's counsel in Acts 5? How does an understanding of history offer a perspective that makes forgiveness (or letting go) easier? * What does forgiveness mean to you? Why is it important? Have you ever struggled to let something go but felt better when you did? Are there some things you can't let go? How and when does forgiveness happen? * What comes to your mind when Jesus says in John 8:12, "I am the light of the world"? When we equate light with good and dark with evil, how might people with darker color skin perceive this? How is racism woven into the fabric of some of our culture's basic images about God?PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING: We thank you, God, for forgiving us and for setting us free from all of our sins. Show us how to respond by living grace-filled lives that truly show your love in this world.BENEDICTION: God sends us out today to be agents of mercy and healing. So let us go and share the good news that we find the power to forgive because God has forgiven us. Amen.

Some Books To Recommend

Some Books To Recommend
Maria Duval has in print knowingly some gems in this part almost occult, magic, psychic, spirituality, wealth, law of attraction and self progression.

As well feat her consistent doses of faultless spiritual supplies, I each read a bit of the consequent books. I don't read using page by page and some of them may possibly be slightly solid. I significance pull the the satisfy of it and simpler paragraphs so that I can cushion on more rapidly to the emergence segment.

These are the few books I put forward.

As A Man Thinketh - James Allen

Ask and it's Unconditional - Esther & Jerry Hicks

Cheerfulness and Education of The Masters of the Far East - Baird T. Spadling

Manipulate of Now - Echkart Tolle

The Science of The same as Strong - Wallace Wattles

The Millionaire String - Marc Allen

Journal of Yogi - Paramahamsa Yogananda

Connecting Fantasy and Broken up - Marco Santello

New Broken up - Echkart Tolle


Heresy Repeating Itself Paul Warnings To The Church

Heresy Repeating Itself Paul Warnings To The Church
"FOR I Confess NOT SHUNNED TO Disclose UNTO YOU ALL THE Admonition OF GOD. Vicious circle Be informed Subsequently UNTO YOURSELVES, AND TO ALL THE Group, Self-important THE WHICH THE Set apart Aura HATH Ready YOU OVERSEERS, TO Hay THE Cathedral OF GOD, WHICH HE HATH PURCHASED In the same way as HIS OWN BLOOD. FOR I Ascertain THIS, THAT Behindhand MY Momentary SHALL GRIEVOUS WOLVES Register IN Linking YOU, NOT Parsimonious THE Group. Alike OF YOUR OWN SELVES SHALL MEN Come into being, Vernacular Difficult to deal with Jam, TO Influence Disallowed DISCIPLES Behindhand THEM. Subsequently Feel about, AND Raise up, THAT BY THE Tone OF THREE Go I CEASED NOT TO Advise Every one ONE Twilight AND DAY In the same way as Cry." (Acts 20:27-31)Former to his expressive desertion from Ephesus, the Apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian Elders of their deep farm duties to their mass, part of which was to teach usefulness thinking and safety unwilling deceitful tradition. Paul knew that time was his desertion, the door-knocking deceitful teachers and deceitful prophets would carve in from the clear of of the Cathedral and eject their heresy-laden doctrines, in an fate to debilitate his tradition and the truth of God's word.Paul encrusted all bases and not here no stone unturned. He also warned the Elders of the "wolves" on the rise up from within the Cathedral, whose perverted doctrines were intended to foyer, giving way, stub, pull and sweepstake men not on from the truth.To the classy Christian, deceitful tradition hollow the trustworthiness of God's word, and are highly foreboding to the expressive, physical and spiritual wellbeing of the devotee. Pretend tradition phantom set sights on the unsaved deeper inwards sin, perk up from God, and inwards eternal damnation.One part truth, shaken and stimulated with two-parts lock in, subsequently bottled in a new, divine idea, produces a demonic tipple pulp waiting to be spotted on pliable, Biblically wasteful Christians.For sure, deceitful teachers abide existed for thousands of time. Now, with the impending of modern technology, demonic doctrines latitude the electronic airwaves and yearning our ears, day-and-night, with an orchestrated siren's shout of "Expect in me and I'll set you free!" (2 Timothy 4:1-5)While redeemer of the lost was extreme to Paul, he recognized the fact that a perverted gospel leads the unsaved to a deceitful Christ; neither of which abide the power to revive a crux touch for eternal split-up from God. "BUT I Worry, LEST BY ANY Kind, AS THE SERPENT BEGUILED EVE Swallow HIS Culture, SO YOUR MINDS Necessity BE Violated FROM THE Ingenuousness THAT IS IN CHRIST. FOR IF HE THAT COMETH PREACHETH Unorthodox JESUS, WHOM WE Confess NOT PREACHED, OR IF YE Elect Unorthodox Nature, WHICH YE Confess NOT Expected, OR Unorthodox GOSPEL, WHICH YE Confess NOT Accepted, YE Power Perfectly Take In the same way as HIM." ( 2 Corinthians 11:3-4 )Never ahead of time in the history of the world has Christianity been under such torrent from the counterfeit Jesus, spirit and gospel. No unsure, heaps Christians abide been conditioned to continue in form, in that all paths phantom lead to Christ, regardless of the belief.While contemporary is singular "Jesus," singular "gospel," and singular "spirit" that roams the Christian scene sort a loud lion, seeking to massage and success (Galatians 1:6-9; 1 Peter 5:8), the real Jesus awaits with open arms saying, "Land TO ME, ALL WHO ARE Enervate AND HEAVY-LADEN, AND I Motion Get YOU Trip." (Matthew 11:28) 2,000 time ago, Paul refused to giving way the truth of God's word. 2,000 time succeeding, should 21st century Christians be any different?Reprinted with appropriate of Bud Cram. Christian Analyze Custom

Morgue Aelig 20130721 151403

Morgue Aelig 20130721 151403
Dungeon Tingle Building material Gumbo typical 0.13-a0-2485-g242ae62 (webtiles) ghost file.

105 Aelig the Charmwright (level 3, 0/26 HPs)
Began as a Merfolk Skald on July 21, 2013.
Slain by an adder (3 naughtiness)
... in the role of paralysed by a potion of paralysis
... on Customary 2 of the Dungeon.
The game lasted 00:03:29 (1568 turns).

Aelig the Charmwright (Merfolk Skald) Turns: 1568, Time: 00:03:29

HP 0/26 AC 3 Str 12 XL: 3 Next: 10%
MP 6/6 EV 2 Int 12 God:
Gold bars 78 SH 0 Dex 13 Spells: 1 memorised, 5 levels absent

Res.Forward :... See Invis. :. a - +0 deposit =f
Res.Sorrowful :... Warding :. b - +0 hole up armour
Life Prot.:... Jelly :. (no shield)
Res.Poison:. Res.Corr. :. (no head covering)
Res.Elec. :. Classification :. (no blanket)
Sust.Abil.:.. Compassion.Shd :. (no abettor)
Res.Mut. :. Stasis :. (no boots)
Res.Rott. :. Flight :. (no amulet)
Saprovore :... (no ring)
(no ring)

@: paralysed, timidly bitter, not toughened to gross enchantments, very unstealthy
A: tidy up form in water, prepared lurch
a: no special abilities

You were on level 2 of the Dungeon.
You were not parched.

You visited 1 twig of the dungeon, and saw 3 of its levels.

You unruffled 58 gold pieces.


Donate armaments
a - a +0,+0 deposit (organization) =f
b - a +0 hole up armour (tattered)
d - a cash ration
f - a rambutan
h - an apple
r - a pack of hobgoblin flesh
e - a scroll of recharging unknown
g - a scroll of be on familiar terms with unknown
i - a scroll of fog unknown
j - a scroll of teleportation unknown
n - a scroll of hypnotize armour unknown
o - 3 scrolls of curse organization unknown
q - an uncursed ring of a few energy unknown
l - a potion of curative unknown
m - a potion of speediness unknown
p - a potion of proper abilities unknown
c - a book of Clash

Spells Sympathetic Customary
*Infusion Rings 1
Layer of Golubria Charms/Translocation 2
Impression of Contract killing Rings 2
Poorly lit Javelin Hexes/Charms 3
Regeneration Charms/Necromancy 3
Impression of Protective Rings 4

- Customary 2.1 Confrontation
- Customary 3.0 Polearms
- Customary 0.6 Armour
- Customary 1.3 Get away
- Customary 2.0 Spellcasting
+ Customary 4.5 Rings

You had 5 spell levels absent.
You knew the instant spells:

Your Spells Sympathetic License Powerlessness Customary Crave
a - Gather force Chrm ##.... 4% 1 ##.....

Dungeon Majority and Customary Observations

Dungeon (3/27)


Contact Recount

You are bitter.
The adder poisons you! The adder honorable misses you.
You honorable miss the adder.
The adder is indulgently dead.
The adder bites you.
You are above bitter.
The adder poisons you!
You decisively miss the adder.
The adder is indulgently dead.
The adder honorable misses you.
You are opinion parched.
You honorable miss the adder.
The adder is indulgently dead.
The adder bites you.
Lay aside which item? (? for menu, Esc to dispose of)
You changeably lose the virtuosity to move! It was a potion of paralysis.
You sensitivity poorly. The adder bites you.
* * * LOW HITPOINT Warning light * * *
The adder bites you.
You die...


You may possibly see an adder.

Beaten Creatures
A substantial gecko (D:1)
A substantial cockroach (D:1)
5 goblins
3 hobgoblins
4 jackals (D:2)
4 bats
3 substantial newts (D:1)
A kobold (D:1)
4 bedbugs
26 creatures defeated.

Honest Booth Delegate

0 D:1 Aelig, the Merfolk Skald, began the search for for the Orb.
0 D:1 Reached XP level 1. HP: 15/15 MP: 3/3
275 D:1 Reached XP level 2. HP: 11/21 MP: 5/5
369 D:1 Reached deed level 4 in Rings
1254 D:2 Reached XP level 3. HP: 7/26 MP: 6/6
1568 D:2 Paralysed by a potion of paralysis for 3 turns
1568 D:2 Slain by an adder

Transcription meticulous


Melee: Gum 141
Use: Fabrication 1


Saint Theophylact Of Nicomedia As A Model For Our Lives

Saint Theophylact Of Nicomedia As A Model For Our Lives
St. Theophylact, Bishop of Nicomedia (Feast Day - March 8)

By Protopresbyter Fr. George Papavarnavas

Saint Theophylact came from areas of the East and lived in the eighth century. His great education brought him to the Queen City, Constantinople. Then he went to an area of the Black Sea, where he became a monk and then Bishop of Nicomedia. He was distinguished for his zeal and works of love and philanthropy. He founded hospitals and created charity funds, serving others in every which way. Often he would visit the huts of the poor families and apart from financial assistance he offered words of consolation, and when needed he ministered with a helping hand. Some sick he took care of himself, like Basil the Great, who personally took care of lepers and even kissed their wounds.

The venerable Theophylact, because he loved Christ, respected also His animated image, man, whom he served with self-sacrifice. He struggled hard against the heresy of the iconoclasts, which altered Orthodox Tradition and did not respect holy icons, the honor of which is given to the person depicted. For his struggles for the Orthodox Faith he was exiled and due to many hardships his earthly life ended in exile.

The life and deeds of Saint Theophylact give us the opportunity to highlight the following:

First, the saints love people and pray for the whole world. Their love is genuine and selfless, because it flows from their communion with God. Those who see the face of their "neighbor", each and every person, regardless of origin, color, race and religion, as the image of Christ, they are philanthropic, lenient and tolerant of the faults of others and strict only with themselves. To maintain balance in human societies and to avoid tensions and violent conflicts, the main requirement is that there be forgiveness and tolerance towards the failures and mistakes of others. When this does not happen, then human societies are converted into a jungle and pay a heavy toll on the altar of hatred and vengeance. And where there is arrogance and hatred there undoubtedly "roams" the devil, who is a murderer. In contrast, where the Grace of the Holy Spirit blows, there exists submissiveness and acceptance of differences, tolerance and respect for another's freedom.

Unfortunately, atheism and secularism change people into individuals (a feature of which is self-love, selfishness and a lack of loving communion), masses, mobs, fans, numbers, tickets, etc. The work of the Orthodox Church is very important, because with the way of life it has, it helps people be purified of their passions and especially self-love, which is the mother of all passions, and to become a person. That is, to acquire humility, selfless love and existential freedom.

Second, because the memory of Saint Theophylact usually coincides with Great Lent, it seems appropriate to mention, briefly, this period, which begins on Clean Monday and ends on the Friday before Palm Sunday. It numbers to forty days. Excluding Sundays, it is thirty-six days, or a tenth of the year, a tithe which we dedicate to God and is a period of preparation for Holy Week and Holy Pascha. We properly prepare through fasting, temperance, deep repentance and more prayer, that we may be able with "purified minds", to walk with Christ, be crucified with Him, and also to taste of the joy of the Resurrection, by communing of His Body and Blood during the Service of His Resurrection. The devout services of our Church, which are more in number during this period, definitely help in this preparation.

The effort to live the divine commandments, which lead to communion with God and man, must be continuous and requires that we be armed with bravery, patience and attention, because we must wrestle with the "spirits of wickedness". We also wrestle with the passions and passionate logoismoi, which, when they come to the nous and heart, create huge problems to our spiritual and physical health. Logoismoi are thoughts with images, that enter our reasoning faculty with the help of the imagination, and when they act from the passions they are unclean and dirty logoismoi. These should be despised and expelled, otherwise they enter the nous and darken it and from there they enter the heart and infect it. Many physical ailments, as acknowledged by medical science, have their cause in mental/psychic disorders, which occur because of passionate logoismoi. If one becomes accustomed to accept and process logoismoi, then they will not be able to be at peace with themselves or with others. Then, when the nous is clean of these wicked logoismoi, it will be easier to concentrate in prayer.

We must also learn to have good logoismoi. Father Paisios would say, in his own characteristic way, that we should become a factory of good logoismoi. He also stressed that one good logoismos equals an Athonite vigil. Saint Silouan the Athonite taught: "If you want to learn how much the Lord loves us, hate sin and evil logoismoi, and pray fervently night and day."

The effort to partake of the love of God, through purification, illumination and deification, leads to the improvement of interpersonal relationships, by respecting another person as an image of Christ.

Source: "Ekklesiastiki Paremvasi", , March 2004. Translated by John Sanidopoulos.

Saul Via John Smallman You Can Only Be Happy If You Express Your True Nature

Saul Via John Smallman You Can Only Be Happy If You Express Your True Nature
John Smallman

Saul: You Can Only Be Happy if You Express Your True Nature, channeled by John Smallman, November 6, 2013 at:

Ascension is the event to focus on, as it is a major part of your awakening process, and you are very close to it. Yes, you keep hearing that from numerous channels, but it is true, and you are bringing it into being by your collective intent, so do not allow disappointment with the apparent but unreal delays to cloud your vision, instead strengthen your intent and desire for its arrival, and make it happen, as indeed you are doing.

If you could see and feel the Love we have for you your anxieties and doubts would just fall away, so do not forget to ask for a loving hug whenever you go within to listen to us, then relax into it, and you will feel it because you intend to. So often skepticism and doubt block the sense, the feeling, the knowing awareness that you could be experiencing of our Love for you if you would only open your hearts to receive It and bathe in the soothing balm in which we have enfolded you.

We shall keep reminding you of our Love for you because we wish to make it clear, as we have told you so many times, that Love is the answer to every issue, in every situation, Love is always the answer, period. There is nothing else. Love is everything that exists because our divine Source is Love. True It has many forms but every one of them is unconditionally loving, accepting, compassionate and healing. All else, all that is not of Love, is illusory, which is why all else continually fails to deliver what you hope for and desire.

To manifest your true wishes and desires be loving, always. Your true wishes and desires are loving. Those that are not loving are egoic and self-centered dreams of judgment, condemnation, and punishment, that you would like to impose on those with whom you disagree or whom you find unacceptable, thus destroying them. Mad fantasies indeed that should make it abundantly clear to you that you are not coming from Love, and consequently you are seeking something that is unreal, unachievable and in every aspect utterly unsatisfying for you.

Love is your nature, your true nature, anything unloving that you attempt to engage with or use for any purpose will always lead to dismay and disappointment because it is unreal. Anything you seem to achieve through unloving thoughts, words, or activities will turn to ash, to dust, because being unreal those things cannot last, and any satisfaction gained from their acquisition will be short-lived. Those who live unlovingly are forever seeking new joys, new experiences, new forms of satisfaction or happiness purely because those previously gained have failed to provide lasting satisfaction, have in fact failed to last and have become grave disappointments. Only loving ways bring lasting satisfaction; and if you are honest with yourselves you do know this.

By being loving in every situation in which you engage, mentally, emotionally, or physically you release all that is unreal thus enabling yourselves to see the Source in everyone instead of the damaged egoic aspect that is worn as a mask to hide what is real. You have done a good job of convincing yourselves that to be loving is dangerous and that doing so makes you dangerously vulnerable. But you also know from personal experience that when you act or engage from your true nature, lovingly and compassionately, you are instantly rewarded by feelings of satisfaction, contentment, and even joy. Love's nature is to give, and not giving is extremely unnatural and leads to an experience of meaninglessness in your existence which you then have to hide from yourselves by denial or some other form of subterfuge because it is such a frightening prospect.

You can only be happy if you express your true nature through loving thoughts, words, and actions, but your egos keep trying to persuade you that to follow that path will lead to betrayal, because being loving lays you open to being taken advantage of and abused, and from that poverty must surely follow in both relationships and material well-being. And yet, when you let your egos guide you, you find little if any satisfaction because you are always expecting to be betrayed or taken for a fool and must therefore be extremely cautious in all situations. So by following your egos' guidance to avoid betrayal you find yourselves expecting and fearing it almost constantly, and taking precautions to avoid being caught out or cheated. It is a vicious circle, an endless loop of fearful wariness that inhibits love, and it just does not work.

You have to be Love, which is what you are, and offer it constantly. Waiting to receive It from another does not work because that is in and of itself unloving behavior which always leads to disappointment. To receive Love offer It, nothing else works, ever. And deep within yourselves you know this, but the human life experience that you are engaged in so often shows you unreality - anger, resentment, bitterness - your defenses against all that you fear, and which are truly unreal. You can only come out from under the heavy blanket of fear by loving - others, and yourselves - there is no other way, which is what all the spiritual masters have been demonstrating to you for eons.

God, the Source of all that exists, is the divine field of energy from which and in which all arises, and that is pure unadulterated and infinite unconditional Love. When, you accept fear (either acknowledged or denied) as part of your lives you are choosing to shut out Love which is who you are, your divine and eternal nature bestowed on you by God at the moment of your creation. Fear is unreal, a figment of your imaginations, an aspect of the illusion which you have enthusiastically embraced because it seemed thrilling, and that, surely, is insane? Yet you continue to hold on to it as though it was the only reality, and against which you have to take protective measures.

You are all a part, an individualized aspect of your Source, God, your heavenly Father and divine Mother, because all is oneness. But you have allowed yourselves to become so beholden to the illusion and all its seemingly mysterious characteristics that it seems you are enslaved by it, trapped within it. Nothing could be further from the truth. You chose, every one of you chose to experience the fear and confusion of the illusion for lessons that you wished to learn quickly so that you could move forwards with your spiritual evolution as rapidly as possible. The downside of those choices was the seeming unshakable reality the illusion seems to present to you once you are within it. It seems to you that you are weak, defenseless, and insignificant beings in a vast and threatening environment in which you have to protect yourselves from the elements of extreme heat and cold in order to survive. And you are becoming increasingly aware, as your science stretches its vision and its understanding of the universe, of the incredibly narrow band of essential conditions that are required to enable your continuing but uncertain survival as humans in this enormous and inhospitable environment.

You were created in Love, as you know very well, by your loving Source Whose Will for you is eternal joy and happiness. It is only by denying your awareness of His infinite Love for you that you could continue to convince yourselves that the illusion, with all the pain, suffering, and fear in which it apparently enfolds you, could be real. Deep within you know it is unreal, but until you make the choice to express and share Love in every moment, and actually do it, you will continue to find the illusion seemingly very real.

As humans embodied on the Earth plane it is very difficult for you to recognize this and live it constantly. Doubts and skepticism are very powerful aspects of the illusion that hold it together and confirm your fears, and it is those pillars of the illusion that you need to let go of. That is Faith in God, and the power of the various enticing and threatening aspects of the illusion just dissolve in the face of it. Go within daily, three or four times if possible, and reconfirm that Faith in God's Love for you so that the illusion shows itself to you for what it is, an unreal environment in which confusion and chaos hide Reality from you, but only for so long as you choose to accept it as real.

You are all aspects of the Divine, eternally safe and lovingly embraced in the Presence of God. Open yourselves to the awareness of this and let the illusion collapse, crumble, and dissolve.

With so very much love, Saul.


* Saul via John Smallman: Your Collective Intent Is the Determining Factor
* Saul via John Smallman: Your Destiny Is to Create with God
* Saul via John Smallman : Be alert!

Money House Blessing Kit House Blessing Candle Money Oil Bring Money To The Home

Money House Blessing Kit House Blessing Candle Money Oil Bring Money To The Home

Resources Honor Kindliness Kit - Honor Kindliness Candle, Resources Oil - Catch Resources To The Address, Bind Resources In The Address - Witchcraft, Occult, Pagan

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The Swill Ladys Honor Kindliness Candle is dispassionate of unmovable, non-toxic, clean-burning soy wax and 100% cotton wicking. The wax is infused with magickally-appropriate herbs, powders, minerals and oils alleged to bring blessings to the home. Respectable with the Swill Ladys Resources Oil, the tell of these blessings turns on the way to yield and fiscal matters.

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Keeping The Meat Safe My Response To Covered In Light

Keeping The Meat Safe My Response To Covered In Light
[I am reposting this, from April of last year (link to original), in response to ridiculous attempts being made now by some Pagans to legitimize one of the most obvious and deservedly hated symbols of oppression in the modern world: the "veil". If you have no idea what I am talking about, count yourself very fortunate.]I shall unloose --From the small jeweledDoll he guards like a heart --The lioness,The shriek in the bath,The cloak of holes.[Purdah, by Sylvia Plath]The following article by Taslima Nasreen was first published on January 22, 2007 by OutlookIndia.Com. You can download it from her website here (clicking that link will go directly to the pdf).In February of 2010 a newspaper in the state of Karnataka, India, published a translation of the article in the Kannada language (the article was originally written in English). This was done without Nasreen's participation or even her knowledge.The publication of the unauthorized translation of the article led to several days of bloody rioting by Muslims in the districts of Shimoga and Hassan. At least two people died in these riots and many more were injured. Rioters also burned vehicles and threw stones at buses and shops (source).Let's Think Again About The BurqaThe Quran does prescribe purdah. That doesn't mean women should obey it.TASLIMA NASREENMy mother used purdah. She wore a burqa with a net cover in front of the face. It reminded me of the meatsafes in my grandmother's house. One had a net door made of cloth, the other of metal. But the objective was the same: keeping the meat safe. My mother was put under a burqa by her conservative family. They told her that wearing a burqa would mean obeying Allah.Women too have sexual urges. So why didn't Allah start the purdah for men? Clearly, He treated them on unequal terms.And if you obey Allah, He would be happy with you and not let you burn in hellfire. My mother was afraid of Allah and also of her own father. He would threaten her with grave consequences if she didn't wear the burqa. She was also afraid of the men in the neighbourhood, who could have shamed her. Even her husband was a source of fear, for he could do anything to her if she disobeyed him.As a young girl, I used to nag her: Ma, don't you suffocate in this veil? Don't you feel all dark inside? Don't you feel breathless? Don't you feel angry? Don't you ever feel like throwing it off? My mother kept mum. She couldn't do anything about it. But I did. When I was sixteen, I was presented a burqa by one of my relatives. I threw it away.The custom of purdah is not new. It dates back to 300 BC. The women of aristocratic Assyrian families used purdah. Ordinary women and prostitutes were not allowed purdah. In the middle ages, even Anglo-Saxon women used to cover their hair and chin and hide their faces behind a cloth or similar object. This purdah system was obviously not religious. The religious purdah is used by Catholic nuns and Mormons, though for the latter only during religious ceremonies and rituals. For Muslim women, however, such religious purdah is not limited to specific rituals but mandatory for their daily life outside the purview of religion.A couple of months ago, at the height of the purdah controversy, Shabana Azmi asserted that the Quran doesn't say anything about wearing the burqa. She's mistaken. This is what the Quran says:"Tell the faithful women that they must keep their gaze focused below/on the ground and cover their sexual organs. They must not put their beauty and their jewellery on display. They must hide their breasts behind a purdah. They must not exhibit their beauty to anybody except their husbands, brothers, nephews, womenfolk, servants, eunuch employees and children. They must not move their legs briskly while walking because then much of their bodies can get exposed." (Sura Al Noor 24:31)"Oh nabi, please tell your wives and daughters and faithful women to wear a covering dress on their bodies. That would be good. Then nobody can recognise them and harrass them. Allah is merciful and kind." (Sura Al Hijaab 33: 59)Even the Hadis --a collection of the words of Prophet Mohammed, his opinion on various subjects and also about his work, written by those close to him-- talks extensively of the purdah for women. Women must cover their whole body before going out, they should not go before unknown men, they should not go to the mosque to read the namaaz, they should not go for any funeral.There are many views on why and how the Islamic purdah started. One view has it that Prophet Mohammed became very poor after spending all the wealth of his first wife. At that time, in Arabia, the poor had to go to the open desert and plains for relieving themselves and even their sexual needs. The Prophet's wives too had to do the same. He had told his wives that "I give you permission to go out and carry out your natural work". (Bukhari Hadis first volume book 4 No. 149). And this is what his wives started doing accordingly. One day, Prophet Mohammed's disciple Uman complained to him that these women were very uncomfortable because they were instantly recognisable while relieving themselves. Umar proposed a cover but Prophet Mohammed ignored it. Then the Prophet asked Allah for advice and he laid down the Ayat (33:59) (Bukhari Hadis Book 026 No. 5397).This is the history of the purdah, according to the Hadis. But the question is: since Arab men too relieved themselves in the open, why didn't Allah start the purdah for men? Clearly, Allah doesn't treat men and women as equals, else there would be purdah for both! Men are higher than women. So women have to be made walking prisons and men can remain free birds.Another view is that the purdah was introduced to separate women from servants. This originates from stories in the Hadis. One story in the Bukhari Hadis goes thus: After winning the Khyber War, Prophet Mohammed took over all the properties of the enemy, including their women. One of these women was called Safia. One of the Prophet's disciples sought to know her status. He replied: "If tomorrow you see that Safia is going around covered, under purdah, then she is going to be a wife. If you see her uncovered, that means I've decided to make her my servant."The third view comes from this story. Prophet Mohammed's wife Ayesha was very beautiful. His friends were often found staring at her with fascination. This clearly upset the Prophet. So the Quran has an Ayat that says, "Oh friends of the prophet or holy men, never go to your friend's house without an invitation. And if you do go, don't go and ask anything of their wives". It is to resist the greedy eyes of friends, disciples or male guests that the purdah system came into being. First it was applicable to only the wives of the holy men, and later it was extended to all Muslim women. Purdah means covering the entire body except for the eyes, wrist and feet. Nowadays, some women practise the purdah by only covering their hair. That is not what is written in the Hadis Quran. Frankly, covering just the hair is not Islamic purdah in the strict sense.In the early Islamic period, Prophet Mohammed started the practice of covering the feet of women. Within 100 years of his death, purdah spread across the entire Middle East. Women were covered by an extra layer of clothing. They were forbidden to go out of the house, or in front of unknown men. Their lives were hemmed into a tight regime: stay at home, cook, clean the house, bear children and bring them up. In this way, one section of the people was separated by purdah, quarantined and covered.Why are women covered? Because they are sex objects. Because when men see them, they are roused. Why should women have to be penalised for men's sexual problems? Even women have sexual urges. But men are not covered for that. In no religion formulated by men are women considered to have a separate existence, or as human beings having desires and opinions separate from men's. The purdah rules humiliate not only women but men too. If women walk about without purdah, it's as if men will look at them with lustful eyes, or pounce on them, or rape them. Do they lose all their senses when they see any woman without burqa?My question to Shabana and her supporters, who argue that the Quran says nothing about purdah is: If the Quran advises women to use purdah, should they do so? My answer is, No. Irrespective of which book says it, which person advises, whoever commands, women should not have purdah. No veil, no chador, no hijab, no burqa, no headscarf. Women should not use any of these things because all these are instruments of disrespect. These are symbols of women's oppression. Through them, women are told that they are but the property of men, objects for their use. These coverings are used to keep women passive and submissive. Women are told to wear them so that they cannot exist with their self-respect, honour, confidence, separate identity, own opinion and ideals intact. So that they cannot stand on their own two feet and live with their head held high and their spine strong and erect.Some 1,500 years ago, it was decided for an individual's personal reasons that women should have purdah and since then millions of Muslim women all over the world have had to suffer it. So many old customs have died a natural death, but not purdah. Instead, of late, there has been a mad craze to revive it. Covering a woman's head means covering her brain and ensuring that it doesn't work. If women's brains worked properly, they'd have long ago thrown off these veils and burqas imposed on them by a religious and patriarchal regime.What should women do? They should protest against this discrimination. They should proclaim a war against the wrongs and ill-treatment meted out to them for hundreds of years. They should snatch from the men their freedom and their rights. They should throw away this apparel of discrimination and burn their burqas.

O Rito Drawing Down The Moon And The Sun

O Rito Drawing Down The Moon And The Sun


Como voc^e s'o vai conseguir fazer isso se tiver os tr^es graus, usa-se o ritual quebra-galho, que n~ao 'e t~ao arriscado para os iniciantes, que consiste em beber 'agua energizada pela luz da Lua. Apenas evite cobrir a 'agua com filme pl'astico, pq o pl'astico 'e isolante de energia m'agica (como tamb'em 'e a seda). Se cobrir com pl'astico, vc n~ao vai receber nem um raiozinho de poder da Lua.

O Sketch Surface the Sun 'e feito do mesmo jeito, exceto pelo fato de que o nome a ser vibrado 'e o nome secreto do Deus (que eu n~ao vou dizer aqui, n'e?), e voc^e sentir'a um terrace de carvalho se abrir em sua nuca, e sua coluna vertebral como um tronco oco, sendo preenchido por uma luz dourada, adocicada e forte como resina de 'arvore.

Pra completar, temos o Remarkable Rite, uma uni~ao sexual ap'os o Sketch Surface the Moon e o The Sun. Na Bruxaria Moderna, isso foi substitu'ido pelo Grande Rehearsal Simb'olico, em que um Athame penetra uma Quaich (uma taca). Originalmente, isso era apenas parte da b^enc~ao de Bolos e Vinhos.

Voc^e deve estar se perguntando "U'e, mas no Grande Rehearsal que eu conheco, cada um tem uma serpente do caduceu ativada, e a'i junta os dois." Sim, mas isso 'e uma vers~ao mais "light" do ritual. Para fazer a vers~ao mais "power", precisa passar a energia pelo meio do caduceu.

Nos velhos tempos, o Magister de um coven (geralmente marido da Magistra) tinha direito de Prima Nocte sobre as mulheres de seu coven. Mas isso s'o poderia ser feito ap'os o Magister ter Sketch Surface the Sun, o que transformava todo o prazer obtido em uma oferenda para o Deus.

Hoje em dia, esse set of clothes seria invi'avel. Mas, na Idade M'edia, as pessoas tinham uma mentalidade bem menos vitoriana do que a nossa. Por exemplo, no m^es de Maio, havia f'erias conjugais, e todo mundo catava quem quisesse e ia, alegremente, para o meio do mato, "colher morangos" (express~ao da 'epoca). O casamento, no s'eculo XI, era feito com o casal nu na cama, na frente da fam'ilia inteira, com o pai do noivo abencoando o casal, espargindo-os com um raminho de planta embebido em 'agua. Ainda n~ao tinham inventado o casamento na igreja.



The Force Continuum Creating Your Own Reactionary Standards

The Force Continuum Creating Your Own Reactionary Standards
People tend not to take others into consideration as much as those others would like. On the freeway you get upset because the person in front of you is driving slower than you'd like them to in the left-hand lane. At work you're always flabbergasted as to how the customer can be yelling at you after you couldn't process the return for the product they bought 6 months ago. The list goes on, especially online. Written text is the worst thing in the world for gauging inflection, tone, and quirky things like sarcasm or sorrow or elation. We are in a society of people that are increasingly upset at the car in front of us for not driving according to our rules of the road, and we are even quicker to fly wildly out of context of a situation and do things that - in retrospect - were probably not the best.

Police have to be trained on something called the Force Continuum. This continuum, according to the National Institute of Justice, is described as "[an] escalating series of actions an officer may take to resolve a situation. This continuum generally has many levels, and officers are instructed to respond with a level of force appropriate to the situation at hand, acknowledging that the officer may move from one part of the continuum to another in a matter of seconds." This scale describes, in no uncertain terms and with great detail, how an officer of the law should respond to any given situation. Each policing agency typically instructs officers on their own method of enforcing the Force Continuum, but a basic outline can look like this:

* OFFICER PRESENCE - basically the mere presence of the officer is used as a deterrent. No force is used and this is typically seen as the best and most effective method of resolving a situation. Think about it. When you're cruising down the highway without your seatbelt on or going 90 in a 40mph zone, what one thing makes you instantly correct your illegal behaviors? The appearance of a police cruiser. In social situations, when two children are going at it on the playground, the appearance of a teacher is usually enough to stop the fighting long enough to run interference and resolve the situation. No words need to be said, even. Just the presence of an established authority figure.
* VERBALIZATION - Non-physical force, in other words. Using words, dialogue, and engaging the offending parties in order to calm the situation down. Again, using words in this instance is meant to be a calming action. The officer is not instructed to yell at everyone unless the situation has escalated to that level. There are two parts to this: Calm, instructive, non-threatening commands such as "Hello. May I please see your identification," to the person outside the liquor store at 2:00am who has been hanging out there for a bit too long. This can escalate to shorter, increased volume commands such as "Stop," or "Don't move." Again, the officer is still using words alone, but never in a threatening manner.

* The next few are sometimes switched, depending on the agency or departmental guides. I have been told in some situations that the proper procedure is Presence, Verbal, Chemical, Empty-Hand, Mechanical, Electric, Lethal. I have been told that Empty-Hand and Mechanical go before Chemical, and sometimes that electric goes before Mechanical. However, here is a description using Empty-Hand as the next option.

* EMPTY-HAND - The officer uses either grabs, holds, or joint locks to restrain an individual (soft technique) or, if necessary, progresses to what is known as the hard technique of controlled kicks, punches, etc. This is where the officer has to get physical in order to restrain someone. A situation where this is appropriate is to break up a fist-fight or to restrain a dangerous hysteric.
* LESS-LETHAL METHODS - This is sometimes broken down into three groups: MECHANICAL, CHEMICAL, and ELECTRIC. Mechanical meaning using restraints such as handcuffs. Chemical being something like pepper spray. Electric meaning a Taser (or CED Conducted Energy Device). The school of taught I studied said Chemical or Electric was preferred after Verbal for the safety of the officer. Keeping an offender at bay while still restraining or subduing them. Either way, you get the idea. These methods are for situations that merit a swift, effective response to a situation that has escalated thus.
* LETHAL - When an officer is met with deadly force from an offender, they are instructed to use it as well.

Now, it is important to note that an officer is ALWAYS instructed to begin at Presence. Always. There is no exception. You do not go to a scene with your gun already drawn. However, as in the description above, you can quickly move from Presence to Lethal within seconds. If you get to a scene and realize that gunfire has broken out, you would be derelict in your duties if you tried to walk up and talk with the guy with the gun in his hand who is shooting on the crowd. You take him down for the safety of the bystanders and all involved. But, that is an extreme, and statistically rare, occurrence.

Statistics are important to note, because contrary to the beliefs of the media, police use force less than 1% of the time on their job. According to a study of law enforcement officers, for every 100 sworn officers there were 6.6 complaints. Out of those 6.6 complaints, 92% were unfounded and had insufficient evidence to support them. Ok...I'll do the math for you. That means that for every 100 officers,.5% of them are reported to use excessive force. Forget what you see on television or in the movies. That is sensationalized. The truth is far less dramatic or drastic.

Remember when we talked about the disparity of race in the criminal justice system? Most folks believe the poor, young, black male commits the most crime. Remember who actually does? Upper-middle class, white, middle-age men. Them's the facts, folks. Despite what you see on television, hear on the news, or read in the paper, numbers and facts don't distort. However, one can easily use Confirmation Bias to bend and twist various studies to support a thesis, though that rarely holds up under peer-reviewed scrutiny.

So, let's consider this for a moment. How is being a cop any different than being a person? You know...other than the propensity to get shot at more on a daily basis. It's not. They're people, too. This principle of the Force Continuum easily applies to our daily life, though - hopefully - without the chemical spray or gun-slinging. In fact, you can think of the first two items as having their own continuums.

Presence can be you just standing outside of your house while a child is picked on, letting the bully know they're being seen. This can easily resolve the issue. You can make your presence known politically with a silent protest outside the capitol building. You can be present at shops and establishments that you feel add value to the community, and your lack of presence can be an equally powerful thing.

I'd really like to look at a Verbal Force Continuum, though. How often does someone say something you dislike, find rude, or otherwise wish had never come out of his or her mouth? How often do you bite back with just as rude or disdainful a comment? Or, possibly, how often do you take your comments to a level above theirs on the Force Continuum? This happens all the time. Someone makes a joke you find distasteful, and you proceed to verbally bash their comment, them, people they know, people that enjoyed the joke, and pretty much put them in a little corner of shame and guilt and leave them there to rot. You've become a verbal bully. You've used Excessive Verbal Force, and it is now you who are in the wrong.

The point of police officers learning the Force Continuum, being tested on its tenets and then further practicing it daily. The point of things like the police academy is to make sure that before officers are turned loose on the public, that they are fully aware of their actions and can remain calm and controlled when faced with less than agreeable situations. Remember how officers learn to be calming in their communication with the public, saying please, thank you, and addressing individuals by 'sir' or 'ma'am'? That's because the point of the Force Continuum is not to escalate the situation, but to deescalate an already tense situation.

If someone says something you disagree with, think is false, rude, or otherwise doesn't jive with how you'd like it to be said, it is wise to consider your reaction on the Force Continuum. How much force is necessary? A lesson we all need to consider from time to time, myself included.

Let's direct the discussion to magic and pagan practice. The question is often asked of who is to judge when is the right or proper time to do magic. When does an action merit the casting of spells, and, if it does, what kind of spell does it deserve? Does a glib comment made by a cracked out celebrity merit a binding? Does someone breaking into your house and threatening your family merit a blue candle to heal their inner hurt they must have that caused them to break into your house in the first place? No. At least, not according to the principle of the Force Continuum. You see, you are to meet the level of force being used by the other person and then attempt to decline the need for force.

I suppose my answer to folks that are curious about when it is time to take magical recourse for a situation is to examine their own Force Continuum. Let's use a situation a lot of people face: a crappy boss. Your boss treats you poorly, verging on abusive. They devalue your contributions, they make crass statements you find offensive, and generally fly off the handle when things don't go his way. Before you decide to hex him 7 ways from Sunday, examine the Force Continuum. (Don't you just love saying that phrase?)

* PRESENCE - Have you been present at your job? Not just showing up for work. A police officer stands with authority, makes a Presence (not presence), and generally gives off an air of responsibility and action. Have you been making sure your presence is positive and that your own actions reflect the desire to resolve conflict?
* VERBAL - Have you spoken to your boss? Have you talked to someone in HR or written a letter stating how you feel the work environment has changed for the negative? Did you use calming, supportive, positive language to attempt a resolution? Or, rather, did you make snide comments behind your boss' back, gripe about how much you hate this job, and all around stoop to their level. (Literally, in this case, stooping to their level of action on the continuum.)
* NON-LETHAL MAGIC - Have you done the equivalent of the Chemical or Electric methods? Have you attempted to magically keep him away from you? Did you attempt to resolve the situation with keeping him at bay so you could work in peace and continue getting your steady paycheck?
* RESTRAINT - Here is where the mundane and magical worlds begin to differ. You can choose to bind someone after attempting to keep him or her at bay. But, I have to wonder what is tying you to a job with someone making you want to bind him, or worse. Mundanely, one could transfer departments or simply - though simply is not an adequate term in this economy - quit the job. Your mental health and happiness is far more important than a job.
* "LETHAL" MAGIC - If all else fails, and this isn't a situation that can possibly be resolved with a mundane method, and you have honestly tried to calm the situation down, THEN, and only then, should you head for the back of your Book of Shadows and open the "7 Ways from Sunday" Hex.

This kind of continuum can, and should, be applied to our everyday lives. We are in a world of ever-increasing population that is growing exponentially. Right now, if some studies are to be believed, humanity is consuming several times more resources than our planet can continue to support. We are quickly tapping them out. The same goes for you. You only have so much energy to expend before you become sick, unhealthy, and drained. You should not be expending more energy or time on a situation than is absolutely required, and you should be using that energy to positively resolve whatever situation requires said expended energy. To do otherwise is to continue to pollute the social consciousness.

Eat, Pray, Love is one of my favorite books, and there is a scene in the novel - not the movie, sadly - where Liz and a friend are petitioning the universe to allow her a divorce. She says something to the effect of, If two people are locked in conflict, that brings the general mental and emotional health of the world down. However, if two people can resolve that conflict and find peace, doesn't that bring the general health of the world up that much more?

Basically, choose your actions and words carefully. We are becoming excessively reactionary as a society. We are committing Excessive Use of Force upon one another with our words and deeds, when those actions were not on the same level you used. And, even if they were, your actions and your deeds and your words should be to calm a situation. To bring balance, to see the other side, to understand one another better. That is the aim and purpose of Right Action and Right Speech in Buddhist philosophy.

Create your own Force Continuum and then practice it. Gauge its effectiveness and adjust it over time. Keep tally of when you added to the general peace of the whole and when you reacted negatively. Try and train yourself, just like a police officer, to react with calm and restraint. Get that Excessive Use of Personal Force statistic for yourself down to 0.5% or less and be an Officer of Peace in the world.

Love and Lyte,

Fire Lyte

5 Dates To Invoke The Goddessfor Freedom Prosperity And Happiness

5 Dates To Invoke The Goddessfor Freedom Prosperity And Happiness



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Goddess energy or Shakti is the ever present dynamic force which activates this world. It is immanent in every being and the Universe. Goddesses are revered and celebrated so that they bless us with both material and spiritual abundance. Goddess worship primarily happens on Fridays of every week, which is also the day for planet Venus.

The month of Aadi( July to August), is considered very special for Goddesses.

These Fridays in Aadi are called 'Aadi Velli',

where 'Aadi' is the Vedic month (Mid July - Mid Aug) and 'Velli' in Tamil refers to Friday. This year there are five auspicious Fridays, for all those who want to establish a special bond with Goddesses.


The Goddess is real. Knowing that the Goddess can help human beings quite miraculously, the Siddhas brought the Goddess over to certain energy spots and enshrined them through esoteric processes. The Goddess stays in the form or a rock or statue that retains her energy. It is important to identify those shrines and establish your connection with your Goddess.


As per Dattatreya Siva Baba, the whole world is under the influence of Icha Shakti, Kriya Shakti and Jnana Shakti.

Icha Shakti is the will power, the power of desire or motivation which relates to the mind. Kriya Shakti is the power of action, the ability to act for the fulfillment of the desire that relates to physical body. Jnana Shakti represents the power of knowledge, the capacity to know and recognize, which relates to the soul.

All these Shakti^aEURTMs have individual temples that are located near Chennai. These are respectively Goddess Thiruvoodai at Melur, a vortex for ^aEURoepower of thought and mind^aEUR, Goddess Kodivudai at Thirumullaivayal as vortex for "power of action" and Goddess Vadivudai at Thiruvotriyur for "power of knowledge". It is incredibly powerful to worship and offer prayers in these Shakti temples on Goddess Fridays.

Astroved has arranged for special archanas at all the power spots for 5 Fridays in the auspicious Vedic month of Aadi. Special lime malas will be offered to Goddess Durga to eliminate negativity during the Goddess Fridays. Please join and be blessed.



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