Wed June 16 2010 Tonight On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell

Wed June 16 2010 Tonight On The X Zone With Rob Mcconnell

CAL GARRISON - The Astrology of 2012 and Beyond - In October 2007, a new phenomenon appeared in the sky, was named the Comet Holmes, and is being claimed and acclaimed by the Hopi Nation as the Blue Star of their prophecy. The Blue Star is the harbinger. Between now and somewhere in 2013-2014, when the Red Star appears, great shifts in human consciousness will continue. With the fulfillment of the Mayan Long Count calendar in 2012 and the appearance of the Red Star, many are predicting that human consciousness will rise to the next level. Although there may be catastrophic events associated with this period, and life as we know it will surely change, if we do the work, this will not be the Apocalypse. Cal Garrison is a professional astrologer and the editor of Spirit of Maat online magazine. She is a trained Flower of Life coordinator and longtime student of Drunvalo Melchizedek. She has written for magazines, among them Glamour and Wisdom, on astrology and women's issues. She is the author of The Old Girls' Book of Spells, and Slim Spurling's Universe.

SEGMENT 2: 11 pm - 12 am Eastern / 8 pm - 9 pm Pacific

RUSSELL TARG - Teaching the CIA Remote Viewing - Now in paper Do You See What I See a droll memoir by a world-class physicist that includes recollections of his involvement with pioneering laser research, encounters with many of the most recognizable literary, cultural, and entertainment figures of the 20th century, and his role in teaching ESP techniques to the CIA. Russell Targ is a Zelig-like character. His story is an idiosyncratic journey through the highways and byways of American intellectual, scientific, and cultural life in the 20th century. Along the way he has rubbed elbows with Ayn Rand, Alan Greenspan, Alan and Arlene Alda, Bobby Fischer, and Sally Rand. He was a pioneer in laser research and spent many years developing airborne laser wind sensors for Lockheed and NASA. In addition, he co-founded the Stanford Research Institute remove viewing program-which was funded by the CIA-and was instrumental in tracking Soviet and Chinese weapon installations during the Cold War. And to round it out, he is a legally blind motorcyclist-who happens to be a Buddhist. This is a fascinating memoir by a first-class intellect; the story of a physicist who has pushed the boundaries of science to explore the realms of parapsychology, spirituality, and the unexplained. Russell Targ is currently "retired" and enjoys motorcycling in the Silcon Valley (even though he is legally blind) and studying Dzogchen Buddhism.

SEGMENT 3: 12 am - 01 am Eastern / 9 pm - 10 pm Pacific

RANDY ROGERS - The Key Of Life: A Metaphysical Incestigation - Randy Rogers is the president of Telefilm, Inc., a Los Angeles based production company. His career spans four decades of working in the newspaper, television and motion picture business. During that time, he has covered every type of major news event from George McGovern's 1972 election bid to the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill in 1989. His company, Telefilm, has handled the promotion of the world's biggest motion pictures including The Matrix, Harry Potter, Pearl Harbor, Batman, Superman, Shrek, Toy Story, Iron Man and Indiana Jones. Growing up in the western Pennsylvania steel town of Johnstown, Randy asked for his first camera from a Green Stamps catalog on his 10th birthday. That camera started him on a life long path as a photographer. His first part time job in 1969, as an usher at the State Theatre, subtly foretold where that path would be heading. From that day forward, Randy worked in the news and motion picture business.

SEGMENT 4: 01 am - 02 am Eastern / 10 pm - 11 pm Pacific

BISHOP MEHRAN SAAM - Raelian Movement - Rael, founder and leader of the Raelian Movement (, today issued a statement in response to Stephen Hawking's speculations about hostile extraterrestrials. Widely previewed in the popular media, Hawking's pessimistic ruminations are part of an upcoming Discovery Channel television series. "With these views, Hawking demonstrates that he's not only physically handicapped but mentally handicapped by the degenerative disease of 'evolutionism' or 'Darwinism,' " Rael said. "His fears about murderous, invading aliens are based on the theory of evolution - the myth of evolution, to be more precise. He's afraid humans are inferior to aliens who might invade. That's logical, but only if you accept the myth of evolution." Rael called evolution "a magical, irrational concept" that does great harm. "Hitler's views about superior Aryans; slavery and apartheid; and Hawking's delirium of aliens wiping out humanity all fit perfectly with the evolution myth," he said, adding that he admires the stance taken by Swedish scientist Soren Lovtrup. "Lovtrup said Darwinian evolution will one day be considered the greatest deceit in the history of science and that it's anti-science and false," he said. "I agree." And the truth about the origin of life on Earth? "It's the result of intelligent design, not by just one so-called godly designer but by extraterrestrial designers, plural, called the Elohim," Rael said. "With intelligent design, you automatically have intelligent organization of the universe as well, organization based on peace and love, not on monsters ready to invade and destroy humanity." Why? "Intelligent designers wouldn't allow anyone to destroy their creation," Rael said. "What's more, with cosmic laws based on intelligent design, violent species wind up self-destructing before they can spread their violence to other planets." Is this a lesson for humanity? "We can use weapons of mass destruction to eliminate ourselves," Rael explained. "We don't need alien invasions for that; we're powerful enough and stupid enough to do it ourselves unless peace and love prevail. Stephen Hawking is doing a terrible thing by instilling fear. Fear leads to poor health, bad behaviors and the militaristic policy of weapons accumulation that can lead to humanity's self-destruction. The world needs peace, love and global disarmament, not fear. And we must eliminate the myth of God and the myth of evolution, since both of these myths perpetuate fear and violence."


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