Honeysuckle Healing Sachet

Honeysuckle Healing Sachet
Here we haveRose Ariadne's recipe and instructions for a simple honeysuckle healing sachet

This Magick Sachet is perfect for quickly reducing any pain you are feeling... whether it is emotional, or physical.

* Cut out two matching squares of red silk. (I THINK 3 INCHES BY 3 INCHES IS PERFECT.)

* Place one atop the other and sew three sides together with pink thread... leaving one side of the square open.

* Fill the satchet with honeysuckle blossoms. If you can't find any, use rose quartz... but honesuckle works best.

* Setup a basic altar, light a single white canlde.

* Sit at the altar with your sachet in your left hand.

* Make a fist with your left hand, and hold the sachet to your head and close your eyes.

* Allow yourself to really feel the pain you are experiences...think about it fully... allow yourself to feel it.

* Now, imagine that pain escaping through your feet and into the ground.

If it's the pain of a broken heart...feel the sadness drain out down your legs through your feet and into the ground.

If it's a physical pain or ailment, visualize the sickess and pain escaping through your feet, never to return.

* End the spell, now carry this sachet with you at all times during the day, and sleep with it under your pillow at night...


Labels: herbal livity conjure oils revitalized herbla dieting spell carrier oils some healing means gemstone therapy healing loss occultism workbook candle magick sexual repression inquisitors love spell theological hermes black spells

Reference: masonsofheaven.blogspot.com