Likutey Moharan 2911 And Jacob Frank

Likutey Moharan 2911 And Jacob Frank
As I fix written pass Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and the Modify Rebbe were accused of in the function of Sabbateans and Frankists. In fact Rebbe Nachman and the Modify Rebbe were abhorrent to the antinomian experience of the Sabbateans and of make somewhere your home future called Frankists swayed by the Prague Sabateans while the death of Jacob Unfeigned. These Prague Sabbateans changed and soiled the teaching of Jacob Unfeigned who in fact became a religious Catholic and his Zoharists the advocates of a new marian flow in the Church. Unfeigned and his Jewish staff reveal that the Zohar was a book of Marian and Trinitarian religious studies. Unfeigned and Rebbe Nachman were the forerunners of the Phenomenological devise ready common in the Catholic Church today by St Edith Stein and Pope John Paul II. Pope John Paul's theology of the Soul owes a good deal to these Jewish sources coming to him aim the type of the Close Frankists such as Adam Mickiewicz. Rebbe Nachman of Breslov's religion of the body is called 'shmiras ha brit' (Guarding the Contract). Mixing religious studies with sexual morality is a critical mix and is the mess up that the Sabbateans and some of the future Frankists fell hip which takes one to the Extra Set (the issue of Defective). Moral religious studies leads one to sexual incorruptibility aim the healing of the woundedness of the life-force by the Presage. The reparation for sexual sins (pagam habrit) is called in Hebrew 'tikun haYesod'and is at the time of Breslov spirituality. Jacob Frank's to begin with task was to lead make somewhere your home Jews swayed by the Sabbatean experience (as he had been) to a try on the Zohar and its experience on 'pagam ha brit'. Every Rebbe Nachman and Unfeigned deliberate a reparation (tikun)for make somewhere your home who had been defiled by sexual sins to return to incorruptibility of life-force.Rebbe Nachman in "Likutey Moharan 29:11" reveals in his acceptably mystical congress on the "bat mazleh" [(preschooler of fortune)who is colleague with the Mother of All- preschooler of Abraham (Bakol)]that his experience fix their healthy in make somewhere your home of Jacob Unfeigned. Rebbe Nachman repeatedly writes of the Coppice Tzaddik who is colleague with the Messiah son of Joseph and he refers to Unfeigned as "choice silver of the spoken language of the Tzaddik". So here and there in in "Likutey Moharan" he in a hidden way reveals that Jacob Unfeigned is a true candidate of the Coppice Tzaddik. Rabbi Moshe Mykoff rewording of the Likutey Moharan states; "And this is: That one, too, has found bat maZleh- this corresponds to 'noZlim from LeBaNon'- from the LiBuNa (whiteness) of the object...All this is alluded to in the words (Proverbs 10:20) "keseF nivchaR leshoN tzadiK' [the keep going variety of which spell Unfeigned.]" About we see perfectly that Jacob Unfeigned described as the one that has found hard work to the Young person of Proportion (the Telepathic Miriam the Female of Sorrows)and the way of sexual and intellectual incorruptibility diverse (nozlim) from her. It is aim hard work to this charming Female that sinners find a way to touch up for their past and the blotch it has done.Rebbe Nachman perfectly is derogatory to the distortion of the Kabbalah by Sabbatai Zevi who he alludes to as "Saturn, the black create" [shabtai patya ecama] and criticises make somewhere your home who build houses in the sky as do the Gnostics. Shabtai is the Hebrew name for the the human race Saturn. Rebbe Nachman opposes the Sabbatean antinomian sufficient distortion by stressing the centality of sufficient incorruptibility by guarding the Brit (exchange). Rebbe Nachman refers to touchable Jewish Rabbis as Jewish scholar demons who pervert the Torah to their own rationalistic and Gnostic ends. The rings or circles of Saturn are colleague by Rebbe Nachman with the evil encirclements of the Extra Set. These are abhorrent by the divine circles or rounds (Galgalim) colleague with the objective of hair in a circle. These decrease to the locks and hair of the Beloved in the Specific of Songs.In Jewish lore Shabtai/Saturn is colleague with the black abode of demons (as well see Shrine of Solomon). Extremely ancient texts speak of Solomon and his foe Prince Shabtai (Saturn) of Babylonia (Chaldea). (Extremely see the Anglo-Saxon script Solomon and Saturn). Rebbe Nachman alludes to this tradition about Saturn/ Shabtai and relations this with the Sabbateans. He sees the two sides of the staff of the Tzadik and make somewhere your home of the grave ones in Proverb 10 as refering to the reluctance in the midst of the experience of Unfeigned and Sabbatai Zevi (the Gorge of Saturn who masquerades as the Sabbath Deer). This demonic Shabtai is tied with the demoness Lilith- the illusive maiden/handmaid idiomatic of by Rebbe Nachman. About he seems to allude to Eva Unfeigned as a illusive handmaid who intersection with the Prague Sabateans and betrayed the experience of her mother Jacob Unfeigned. The uniting of Lilith (as a illusive Eve) and Shabtai (Saturn)is seen as a type for the uniting of Eva Unfeigned with the Sabbateans of Prague. We see this mixing of the meaningful experience of Jacob Unfeigned with the distortions and perversions of the Sabbateans in the collections of the sayings of Unfeigned that has come down to us.(see my piece on Jacob Unfeigned on this blog). THE GOD/DEMON SATURNThe Zohar in a broadcast of sitting room speaks of the illusive handmaid of Shabtai (called Lilith) and her converse the true handmaid of the Lady the Sabbath Sovereign. Zohar ki Tetze states:"The moon was shaped on the fourth day and with it is on the way out, with gift is aridity, Lilith was shaped, who is Saturn (Shabtai), which is neediness and dryness and the ambiguous of the luminaries... Grant is unique star, which is a slur dot departed the moon, which is a famous person. This is the dot Cholam a King's preschooler, Sovereign Shabbat. And the dominion of each (Shabtai and Sabbath) is on the seventh day, of which it says, "that your manservant and your maidservant may rest" (Devarim 5:14)...." Zohar Phinchas as well refers to Lilith as Shabtai and family her with the prune part of Sheol. The Zohar alludes to Sarah (mother of the Israelites) as a type of the true handmaid in support of the Sabbath Sovereign and the full moon is her symbol. Hagar (mother of the Ishmaelites)as a type of Lilith/Shabtai and the crescent/waning moon as her symbol.The Israeli Jewish scholar Yehuda Liebes in his work "Studies in Jewish Legend and Jewish Messianism" as well believes that Rebbe Nachman was swayed by the writings and experience of Jacob Unfeigned. He lists a broadcast of parallels in their writings. "I shall...remark on the compound other parallels, beginning with make somewhere your home in the midst of R. Nahman and Jacob Unfeigned, who, I call, had a great state on R. Nahman. Inside his kid, in the living of his Hitbodedut...R Nahman may fix come across Frankists who had remained Jews, of whom gift were patronize in Podolia." (Yehuda Liebes in 'Studies in Jewish Legend and Jewish Messianism')