Getting Over Your Fear Of Astral Projection

Getting Over Your Fear Of Astral Projection
One of the biggest reasons people do not have success in astral projection is plain old fear.

If you are afraid of traveling in the astral world, let me assure you, youre not alone! The fear of the unseen and the unknown is a very natural emotion. But by overcoming their fears, you will find a land of unlimited possibilities ahead of you!

Let's discuss some common fears and some tips on how to overcome them effectively, so your fear won't get in the way of astral projecting.

What do people fear? For one thing, the idea of separating from the physical body frightens many people. They feel something awful might happen to them... as if something is ready to pounce on them as soon as they project! Others feel that they won't be able to return to their bodies. And some are afraid that they might be harmed in some way as a result of the astral projection. And a few people feel that their bodies might be possessed.

These are very common fears. But be rest assured, nothing could be more false! These fears are only in our minds and there is no evidence to support these fears! Thus they can be conquered.

1. Knowledge is powerful: Most people fear because they do not understand the nature of astral projection. Such fears are easily replaced by knowledge and understanding.

You should read everything you can about OOBE (OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCES), and become familiar with all aspects of the experience. You should know what to expect during and after the departure from the body. Devour each bit of information you receive on the subject. Knowledge never hurt anyone.

2. Action is more powerful than knowledge: It is true that knowledge is powerful. But it should also be remembered that to know astral projection in theory, reading all about it, is not enough. You see, there is no substitute for personal experience. In the final instance, we must confront our fears.

Ultimately to completely eliminate the irrational fears, we have to go through the activity that we fear and emerge unscathed. In action - leaving the body and coming back - the fears will evaporate and we can then progress in discovering our Astral reality.

3. You are the Creator: THE ASTRAL PLANE IS A MANIFESTATION OF OUR OWN THOUGHTS. We are the creators. We can create whatever we want, good and bad.

If we are convinced that the devil is out there, and if we visualize hard enough, do not be surprised that the vision is created! The devils we create become real and solid in the astral dimension, because we believe that they are real.

If we meet some of our unwanted creations, they must be faced with courage! And here is the key: Since we are the creators, we can change that devil into a nice, harmless puppy dog!

When we realize that we are creators, we find that our fears are just hollow threats that crumple into nothing.

So remember. NOTHING CAN HARM US WHILE AWAY FROM YOUR BODY. If we are not afraid, we will not meet fear. Its as simple as that.

4. You always return to your body: If you are afraid of not being able to return to your body, consider this. We leave our body every night, when we sleep. Have we ever "NO" come back? So just because you are a little bit more conscious of your astral experience, does not invalidate your ability to come back this time. We3 arein contact with the body all the time!

Believe it or not, the real struggle during astral projection is to stay in the astral planes and not come back to the body before you want to. You can do everything in your power to not come back! But you always do, even if you do not want to!

5. You can not be possessed: You can never be possessed during projections.

During OOBE, the physical body of a person and mind are in a very sensitive state and can not be infiltrated or possessed. A FIELD OF ENERGY IS PRODUCED DURING THE PROJECTION THAT EXTENDS IN ALL DIRECTIONS AROUND THE BODY. This is very sensitive and will abort the projection, if something hostile enters this area.

Moreover, connecting the astral body and the physical body fis a power cord (CALLED THE CORD PLATA). It is not possible for any entity to cut the cord and go into the body. So we are very safe during an Out of Body event.

6. Do not fear the unknown: To some extent this fear will always be with us. Even after scores of projections, there will be something unknown out there. But as I said, nothing can harm us, we are invulnerable to harm in our astral form. Our body has an excellent defense mechanism to protect us during a projection. It is only our own fears that may us harm.

7. Use affirmations: One very effective way to overcome any fear is to immediately begin repeating an affirmation of safety. Brief, positive statements like "IM PROTECTED AND SAFE. THERE IS NOTHING BAD THAT CAN COME TO ME" are very effective.

And as we repeat our statements, our fears will diminish and eventually disappear.

8; Astral Project during the day: A large portion of the fear associated with astral projection stems from trying to travel at night. At night, the world is dark, mysterious and frightening. So trying projections in the dark is a natural invitation to fear!

The best way to overcome this is to practice projections during the day. This gives you more confidence and make you achieve results faster. When you do practice at night, you might consider leaving on some dim lights before projecting.

Conclusion: Fear is something we must overcome to be successful in astral projection. And they can be overcome. We must free ourselves from the death-grip of fear and be free. I hope this short article will help you face your fears! I wish all success in your adventures of astral projection. It can enrich your life.

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