White Hat Society

White Hat Society
Merry Meet and welcome :)))

For some time now I have wanted to provide a way for Lightworkers, Wiccans, Witches, Pagans, and any others who may feel the call to come together in a band of light. For you see, I believe it matters not what name you choose to give yourself to define your beliefs as it does what you actually believe and how you act upon it. Follow your true self, and act with love in your heart always and that is how you will become one with the divine.

In my journey I've seen so many who wish to become witch's who have been told that if you do not venture to the dark side ever you aren't a proper witch. I'm not in the business of calling people out on things but I watched one very respected blogger tell her readers that if they did not work with the dark magic and engage with the dark side then they weren't balanced and ergo weren't a proper witch. I felt a sense of sorrow as I watched several comments underneath her post saying that they guessed they then may have not found their path because by her definition they weren't a proper witch.

My heart went out to them. Wicca is a religion, and a lot of people that are Wiccan also engage in witchcraft and would consider themselves witches. I've seen many different debates on who can call themselves a Wiccan, witch etc as well.

My position is this... Does it really matter what we are all called? Is it really worth arguing with someone over if they are as good of a witch as you? Does that not make you less of a witch by doing that? I believe that if someone feels called to the path that we should embrace them and help them to find their way. Teach them to work with the Gods and the Goddess, to embrace the Blessed Mother Earth and all the elements. Show them that with love in their heart and pure intentions anything is indeed possible. We have the power to heal the world. To use love and intention for the greater good and not only heal those people around us, but our dear Earth as well.

As Witch's, Wiccans, Lightworkers, I believe we have a responsibility to the world around us. Most of you who have found your way here have already been called. So I am taking a risk of being criticized and standing in the fire for you. I do not believe it is necessary for you to ever work on the dark side or do anything you don't feel completely comfortable doing. I believe it is perfectly acceptable for you to work with Jesus as an Ascended master or whomever else you choose. I believe it's actually a benefit for you to work with the angels and allow them to help you spread the love and light.

"And it harm none, do what ye will"

I mean no disrespect for those witch's who believe that it is necessary. That is their path, their choice. I only want to give those wishing to learn the craft the choice to not have to work with the dark side as I don't believe it's necessary. Balance is necessary and important. While I believe we need to be aware of the dark side, our shadow selves, negative beings etc, I don't believe we need to walk with them.

I believe most issues can be conquered with light. When you are having an issue with someone instead of immediately jumping to a binding spell, consider asking the angels and the divine to shower that person with love and help them to see their ego and the error of their ways.

So I ask you to join with me now. Make a pledge to help those along the way. Teach them the way of the light. Work with light and love in your heart. Follow your path "In perfect Love and Perfect Trust". Don't get distracted by other's definitions of what you "should" be. You are perfect just the way you are. Don't forget that.

We are the Wiccans, The Witches, The Lightworkers

We will walk with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust

And use our gifts to help those less fortunate then us

We bind together on this day

May others come to us to help them find their way

"And It Harm None, Do What Ye Will"

I hereby formally invite you to join the White Hat Society

Love and Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong


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