The Hoodoo Truth The Hoodoo Spirit Or The 5 Pillars Of Hoodoo

The Hoodoo Truth The Hoodoo Spirit Or The 5 Pillars Of Hoodoo
The hoodoo spirit is the very essence of what hoodoo/rootwork/conjure is about. THE HOODOO SPIRIT -OR- THE 5 PILLARS OF HOODOO1.) HOODOO WORKS ARE SIMPLE BUT THE SIMPLENESS CAN BE COMPLEX. :) 2.) HOODOO USES NATURAL ITEMS FROM THE LOCAL ENVIRONMENT. 3.) HOODOO USES ITEMS FROM THE HOME OR ITEMS THAT ARE EASILY OBTAINED.4.) HOODOO IS EMPOWERED WITH BIBLICAL PASSAGES AND PRAYER.5.) HOODOO INCORPORATES A STRONG REVERENCE FOR ONE'S ANCESTORS AND/OR OTHER SPIRITS SUCH AS THE SAINTS. These are what I call "the 5 pillars of hoodoo". They pretty much communicate what hoodoo is about. These are the very essence of hoodoo. These can also be used as a guide to help new practitioners. If a practitioner is being taught things that contradict the hoodoo spirit then it is a strong indication that one is not being taught traditional hoodoo/rootwork/conjure.So.....If you are being taught a work that is very complex and takes hours to perform and intricate in detail, then it may not be traditional hoodoo.If you are not being taught to use the natural flora of your local environment, or even if roots, herbs, and other natural items play little to no role in what you are being taught, then it may not be traditional hoodoo.If you are being taught you need to purchase expensive supplies, tools, or spiritual products then it may not be traditional hoodoo.If you are being taught that one can remove the bible and prayer from hoodoo then one is assuredly not being taught traditional hoodoo.If you are not being taught to revere, honor, and work with your ancestors then it may not be traditional hoodoo.
