The Redeeming Love Of Christ And Lgbt Homeless Youth

The Redeeming Love Of Christ And Lgbt Homeless Youth
ChurchandWorld linked to a poignant story of children killed by their own tribe's people in order to stave off supposed curses to the community. "Ethiopia's river of death," reminded me of other missionary stories I have read. "Lord's of the Earth", a sequel to "Peace Child", tells of children thrown into the river because they wandered into forbidden territory. Another is "Mary Slessor-Everybody's Mother", the story of a Scottish Presbyterian missionary who began her ministry in Africa saving twins who were deemed cursed because they were twins. The transforming work of Christ ends the awfulness of such practices; it will hopefully do the same in Ethiopia. But I am also reminded about the article Michael Adee posted on the More Light Presbyterian site, "Sojourners Enters into Fuller Conversation About LGBT Issues." I am not finished addressing it. It too is about children at risk, homeless LGBT youth. They too are to easily pitched in the river or undone by the wolves, just in a different manner. And no one seems to care for their souls; certainly not LGBT political organizations who are now using them as pawns in a political game.In the first posting I wrote on this subject, LGBT homeless youth he forgives, restores, meets needs and transforms the sinner. He heals within the community and in the individual heart.Despite any organization's use of derogatory words such as bigotry or homophobia, the Church has an obligation to the homeless and rejected to both care for and proclaim God's words to them. Carefully, with integrity the young people, LGBT young people, need to learn from the Scriptures of God's grace and God's will that the Christian, redeemed by Christ, walks in obedience to his Lord. Holiness is an out growth of discipleship.It is not a question of government grants or subsidies, what matters are Christian care and Christian witness. Those who fail to lead the young to new life in Christ because of a misplaced allegiance to culture or political correctness should be reminded that Jesus said it would be better to have a heavy millstone hung about one's neck and be cast into the sea then to offend the young who believe in Jesus. (Matthew 18:4-6) And to leave them in their sin without any words about the redeeming grace of Jesus Christ is sin.