This Is Not A Time To Live Without A Practice It Is A Time When All Of Us

This Is Not A Time To Live Without A Practice It Is A Time When All Of Us
SENT TO YOU BY MOYA VIA GOOGLE READER:"THIS IS NOT A TIME TO LIVE WITHOUT A PRACTICE. IT IS A TIME WHEN ALL OF US WILL NEED THE MOST..." via maia medicine on 10/31/10 "This is not a time to live without a practice. It is a time when all of us will need the most faithful, self-generated enthusiasm (enthusiasm: to be filled with god) in order to survive in human fashion. Whether we reach this inner state of recognized divinity through prayer, meditation, dancing, swimming, walking, feeding the hungry, or enriching the impoverished is immaterial. We will be doubly bereft without some form of practice that connects us, in a caring way, to what begins to feel like a dissolving world. In addition to contemplating the Hopi message "Know your garden and where is your water," we must also ask: What is my practice? What is steering this boat that is my fragile human life?" - "Shambhala Sun - Suffering Too Insignificant for the Majority to See" THINGS YOU CAN DO FROM HERE: * Subscribe to maia medicine using GOOGLE READER * Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with ALL YOUR FAVORITE SITES
