The 13 Superstition Satanism

The 13 Superstition Satanism
Many Satanic cults hold special initiation rituals into the Unlucky 13 Club, In Galveston, Texas a local Satanist says an unspoken old tradition is to find a new woman to be the human altar they practice their Black Mass on. And allow neophytes to move up the ranks. This year 80 more new Satanist were baptized into the Religion alone. And 200 more have put in an application to join.

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The Voodoo cults of Galveston plan a Hurricane ritual to ward off any impending storms ahead. This year is the 11th Hurricane Protection Voodoo Ceremony that will be performed in a quiet Galveston suburban neighborhood this year. This particular Voodoo ritual has been done each time a hurricane forms in the Atlantic or Gulf of Mexico and is to summon the protection of the spirit world against each hurricane individually. Each time there is a hurricane we perform the hurricane ritual at a moments notice. Each year it is practiced with special prayers and chants to their Vodoun, the Loa Agwe. The personification of the ocean, and the patron of sailors and fishermen.

Rituals for Agwe, (Agoue) are held near the bay, and offerings to him are floated on hand made rafts or small boats. Agwe is associated with the catholic St. Ulrich.

The two of my favorite events I attended last year were The hurricane Blessing and Voodoo Hoodoo Head washing ceremonies at Galveston, Bay held at midnight. The Hurricane Ritual will be held on Friday the 13th this year near the strand.

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